Insert Text to an Existing Document

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Insert Text to Existing Document

Set Alignment of Paragraphs

Set Font and Font Size

Add Text to Headers and Manage Header Parameters

Set Double Spacing

Create Bulleted Lists

Set Hanging Indents

Create Tables

Alter Existing Tables

Set Paragraph Margins

Page Breaks

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When a MS Word file (document) already exists, you may add or alter its text. First, start MS Word. Then use the File menu and choose Open. Navigate to the file and open it.

There are two cursors to know about: the mouse cursor and the "insertion point cursor". The mose curson is either an arrow or an "I beam" shaped like a capital letter "I". The "insertion point cursor" is a blinking vertical line. When you type on the keyboard, the insertion point cursor is where new text is inserted.

The mouse cursor can only move the insertion point cursor to a position within the existing text. You cannot move the insertion point cursor to a location with no text. Also, it is sometimes more convenient to move the insertion point cursor around with the arrow keys.