Results: 2004 Survey on Access Technology in Higher Education

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Administrative Issues: Funding

Q1_40. How are assistive technology purchases supported financially within your institution? (check all that apply)

(46 responses)

Student technology fee1226.1
General disability services budget3167.4
General information technology budget1737.0
Budget set aside by institution specifically for assistive technology817.4
Grant money2350.0
Revenue from AT services to external customers510.9
Purchased as individuals with disabilities' are identifying assistive technology as an accommodation.1532.6
Purchased through agreement with Vocational Rehabilitation or similar organization48.7
  • 2% from baseline allocation for IT
  • A. T. scholarships
  • Disabled Strudents Allowances
  • Foundation funds
  • Money designated for equipment by the University
  • one vendor donated in exchange for using video produced highlighting their assistive technology
  • Rehab purchases computers for our students in some cases, so they may have them at their home.

Q1_41. Does your institution participate in any regional or national AT group-purchasing arrangements with other institutions?

(46 responses)


Q1_42. Please describe any AT-related group-purchasing arrangements in which your institution participates.

(3 responses)