Results: 2004 Survey on Access Technology in Higher Education

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Administrative Issues: Procedures and Support Strategies

Q1_12. During what hours is assistive technology available for student use at your institution? (check all that apply)

(71 responses)

Business hours (approximately 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.)6084.5
Evening hours (approximately 5p.m. - 11 p.m.)4259.2
Late-night hours (approximately 11 p.m. - 6 a.m.)1216.9
Non-session days/weeks (i.e., in-between semesters and/or summer sessions)3650.7
  • 24/7
  • 5-7pm
  • 7-3:30 summer, winter
  • ad hoc
  • Adaptive Software is available widely throughout the campus on all computers in many computer labs
  • by appointment
  • Some Holidays
  • Wednesday evenings
  • whenever library is open

Q1_13. Is training on assistive technology a common request from your students?

(71 responses)


Q1_14. When students need assistive technology training, how is it delivered? (check all that apply)

(71 responses)

Formal and regular training sessions for groups1622.5
Formal training sessions for individuals4056.3
Informal demonstrations and training for groups, as the need arises2839.4
Informal demonstrations and training for individuals, as the need arises5780.3
Self-training material (i.e., manuals, software, videos, tapes, etc.) given to students to learn of their own3650.7
Little to no training provided - students required to primarily learn on their own912.7
  • community agency referrals
  • Computer Assistive Open Lab Course
  • Developing this process through Disability Services but currently provided in open lab by ITS Staff
  • referrals to outside agencies
  • Suppliers will provide training

Q1_15. Who primarily offers assistive technology training to students? (check all that apply)

(71 responses)

Professional disability services personnel5374.6
Student workers or graduate assistants associated with disability services2231.0
General technology lab professionals/student-workers2028.2
Product/Manufacturer representatives45.6
Non-university professionals or volunteers57.0
Peers (experienced assistive technology users)1521.1
  • All training is provided by staff of the Adaptive TEchnology Center which spans eight campuses.
  • alterna media specialist
  • Alternate Media Specialist
  • alternate media specialist
  • AT Specialist Only
  • ODS office staff
  • outside agencies
  • Same as above
  • Work study students with expertise

Q1_16. In your opinion, how effective is your institution's assistive technology training methods/system?

(70 responses)

Moderately Poor1724.3

Q1_18. Which of the following do you require of students in order for them to utilize your institution's assistive technology? (check all that apply)

(69 responses)

No requirements. Our assistive technology is available to anyone who requests it.1826.1
Documentation of disability is the only requirement.4666.7
The AT requested by the student must clearly accommodate his or her functional limitations.3347.8
The AT requested by the student must clearly apply to his or her course work.1724.6
The student must complete training on the requested AT1623.2
The student must be re-authorized at regular intervals (e.g., each semester, each year, etc.)1115.9
  • authorized accommodation
  • depdends on the tech required-some available to anyone, some only to our documented students
  • I use some assistive technology for non-disabled students, such as Kurzweil for helping students learn to edit
  • it helsp if they are generally familiar and comfortable with technology
  • referral by DSS
  • some asstistive technology is server based and available to all from all computer lab workstations . . .and there is some assistive technology available in a section of the lab (limited licenses) available to all -- however it must be given up if a student with a disability (registered at the Disability Services Center) needs to use
  • Student must make formal request for specific access.
  • Students receive funding to be able to have an assessment and use of their own equipment
  • Students who would benefit from the technology but don't necessarily have disabilities when appropriate.
  • Usually students use technology because it addresses specific limitations
  • When the technology is available

Q1_19. How does assistive technology planning occur at your institution? (check all that apply)

(67 responses)

A portion of the institution's general technology plan is devoted to assistive technology.1725.4
A separate inter-departmental assistive technology plan exists for the institution.811.9
A separate assistive technology plan exists for the institution, but only concerns the group/department primarily responsible for assistive technology at the institution.1014.9
A portion of the institution's disability services plan is devoted to assistive technology.2638.8
No formal plan exists. However, assistive technology is implemented and managed informally as part of the institution's overall disability services responsibilities.3044.8
No formal or informal plan exists for assistive technology.34.5
  • Funding from assessments paid by education authorities helps to finance the centre
  • We try to upgrade and expand each year depending on funds. It depends on our interpreter budget each year. I get any left overs. I also seek out grants and other sources.

Q1_20. Does your institution have a method in place to assess effectiveness of assistive technology delivery?

(66 responses)
