(R560) Incorporating Plug-Ins in Web Browsers
Credit: Mulchaey et al (ST Sci/UMD/NASA)
Plug-ins are programs that can be downloaded from a WWW site and easily
incorporated into your browser. The general approach is to:
- Locate the plugin software you wish to use
- Locate the part that lets you download the installation program
- Supply information about your machine and operating system, and
sometimes yourself
- Click on a button or link that starts the download process
- Designate the directory on your PC which is to receive the downloaded
installation program
- Once the install program has been downloaded, go to where it is
located and double click on the install file
- Follow the directions. In some cases it will ask if you want it
installed in the Netscape plugin directory and that is OK, even if you
are using Internet Explorer.
- You may be asked to restart Netscape (but usually not Internet
Explorer) or even restart your computer
- Check to see if the installation worked: if so, then delete the
installation program that you downloaded.
Many plug-ins are free,
and to a certain extent "you get what you pay for".
Some of them work well, some of them crash and/or crash your browser or
computer, some of them display output but require that you purchase the
software in order to generate the images, some of them are stripped-down
demonstration versions, etc.
Also, be careful where you get the plugin: in order to avoid viruses,
you should only download from well established sites, such as Netscape,
MicroSoft, Adobe, Crescendo, etc.
It is also important to note that the instructions given here are only
approximate in that a given site often changes, or updates, its format
frequently. So use these instructions as a general guide only: the
details may change on a monthly basis.
The following example shows the steps needed to locate a plugin named
AnimaFlex" from RubberScape using Netscape on a Win95 PC
- Invoke Netscape
- Click on HELP > Plugins and follow the directions
- Click on the MANUAL UPDATE icon for AnimaFlex by RubberFlex
If you were using Internet Explorer, you might instead use a search engine,
such as "MetaCrawler", and locate it using the string "AnimaFlex". Once
you have located the file you can download the install program and
install the plugin as follows:
- Scroll down to the Windows95/NT Plug-in and click on it
- Select the folder you wish to download it to and click on SAVE
- Then move to that folder, double click on the "FlexInstall.exe" file and
follow the instructions (by default it should know where to place
your plug-in).
- Then visit the AnimaFlex
plugin page.
The process for downloading for a Macintosh is similar except that you
have to drag the plug-in into the Netscape plug-in folder. For the Macintosh
you need to re-start Netscape for the plug-in to work.
If you have Internet Explorer as well as Netscape, then, in this
particular case, an installation in Netscape will automatically
be accessible from Internet Explorer.
Another plugin lets you play music on your page, provided that you have a
sound card on your PC. One type of sound is called "MIDI" which stands
for "Musical Instrument Digital Interface". "LiveUpdate" is a website
that offers a free MIDI plugin plus a large number of free music selections
that you can download. The steps needed to download the plugin for Netscape
- Connect to Live Update
- Click on "Get Crescendo"
- Click on "Download Crescendo" under "Crescendo Players"
- Fill out your name and email address,
select a product (Crescendo non-streaming (free)),
select your browser, and then your operating system (e.g.,
Windows 95)
- Click on DOWNLOAD
- Click on a site
- Select a directory to receive the installer for the plugin (named
- Double click on c30n95.exe to execute it and follow the instructions
To select music and incorporate it in your web pages do this:
Here are a
number of musical selections you can try once you have downloaded
the plugin.
Note that you can download this plugin for Internet Explorer as well,
but, in this case, IE4 will NOT look for the Netscape plugin: you must
explicitly use IE4 to acquire the plugin. However, the exact same
HTML (that is, the EMBED tag use above) works for both Netscape
and IE4.
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Incorporating Plugins in Your Browser
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