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Bagley elect. and refrig., see Facil Srv FSWORKS
º Buy ethernet cables at Chem Stockroom
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coffeshop hours
Chem dept events, also UW calender
º See my Archive of info and tricks for repair info, etc.
- High-temp epoxies, conductive epoxies
- ANALOG DEV:Mysteries of grounding, (pdf) app note
- Technique of High Vac
- NASA: Outgassing data on mat'ls
- Spellman: HV manual (pdf), also CZE pins & schem
- Rohde Schwarz
Spectrum Analyzer Fundamentals (pdf)
- Keithley: Low-level Measurements manual (pdf)
- Bob Pease:
What's all this Femtoampere stuff?, and more
- DL Inst: Lock-in Amplifier app notes
- RCA: PMT manual, 1970
- Pinouts: Vacuum Gauge Tubes
- TI: TTL Logic Design
- Bodine: Small Motor Handbook (pdf)
- Omega: Pt wire $/in., #36 #40 #50,
also Fisher Sci
- Dataq: $30 ADC Conv, USB , 4-ch beginners kit +-10V,