University of Washington

Office of UW Technology

UW Technology Services


Tools and Resources

Management Workshops

A series of workshops attended by UW Technology Services managers and directors to strengthen the Management Team and come together as a group to work on new and better ways to support our customers.

COS Message Board (Catalyst)

A message board set up on Catalyst GoPost. This board is dedicated to conversation directed around Culture of Service experiences, materials, thoughts, and ideas. Please feel free to log in with your netid and post!

Customer Appreciation (MPG)

A short video of C&C (now UW Technology) customers talking about what the department has done for them and their thanks for our outstanding customer service skills.

Tom Colwell (MPG)

A clip of facilitator Tom Colwell from the Management Workshop #2: A Culture of Service. He discusses the 8 Meta Skills with the group.



Management Workshop #1: 2006 SDS All Staff Follow-up

June 28th 9:00AM - 12:00PM

Facilitator: Rita Kotler

Attendees: UW Technology Services Managers and Directors

Reference Materials:


The goal of this workshop was to discuss progress toward strategic goals and plans for the future. Also, to introduce some background on financial and business processing.


Our Vision

To partner with the UW community in creating and acquiring technology solutions that enable the University of Washington to enrich lives through teaching, research, and public service.

Our Mission

Through partnership and collaboration, Computing & Communications enables extraordinary achievements by University of Washington students, faculty, staff, and clinicians.

Computing & Communications:
  • Delivers reliable and secure core information and communications services that are responsive to the UW Community's information technology needs
  • Provides leadership in developing and implementing the information and communications technology strategy for the University of Washington
  • Creates and fosters regional, national, and international partnerships that transform research and learning
Our Values
  • Commitment to our customers
  • Integrity
  • Excellence
  • Innovation
  • Collegiality


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