University of Washington

Office of UW Technology

UW Technology Services


Tools and Resources

Management Workshops

A series of workshops attended by UW Technology Services managers and directors to strengthen the Management Team and come together as a group to work on new and better ways to support our customers.

COS Message Board (Catalyst)

A message board set up on Catalyst GoPost. This board is dedicated to conversation directed around Culture of Service experiences, materials, thoughts, and ideas. Please feel free to log in with your netid and post!

Customer Appreciation (MPG)

A short video of C&C (now UW Technology) customers talking about what the department has done for them and their thanks for our outstanding customer service skills.

Tom Colwell (MPG)

A clip of facilitator Tom Colwell from the Management Workshop #2: A Culture of Service. He discusses the 8 Meta Skills with the group.



Culture of Service (COS)

What is Meant by "Service Culture"?

Qualities of great service culture (from A Culture of Service by David E Reed):

  • Make a big deal out of little things to keep big things from developing.
  • Treat your internal co-workers like customers.
  • Value all the aspects of training and development.
  • Implement the four stages in the customer feedback loop.
  • Measure the right things and hold all employees accountable for delivering excellent service.
  • Know how and when to recover and when a mistake has been made.
  • Be quick to respond and demonstrate a sense of urgency.
  • Work effectively as a team.
  • Do not settle for good or better, but strive for the best.
  • Be flexible and apply common sense as appropriate.
  • Respect all customers, both internal and those who buy your products or services, even when not present.

Customer Service Culture Assessment

Reference Materials

Amazon dot com

Title:A Culture of Service
Author:David E Reed
Publisher:CornerStone Leadership

A Culture of Service was passed out at the All Staff 2007;
Please email: if you did not receive one!

"We all want and expect great customer service, but very few organizations are able to meet or exceed our expectations. In A Culture of Service, David Reed provides a practical guide to help any organization create a team that values the customer and then works to develop habits and practices that produce satisfied, loyal customers.

Products and services can be copied, but it is more difficult to duplicate an atmosphere of integrity, morals and values within an organization. Read and apply these principles and you will be living out my philosophy of 'You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want." --Zig Ziglar (From the back of the book)

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