Working Within the Enterprise
Toward Accessible Web Information and Services

The Goal
Accessible design
Managing for accessibility

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Accessible Design

Utilizing HTML's built-in device-independence features
  Design Element Benefits Because...
1 Well formed, standards compliant HTML. Page content organized within the HTML ontological model, utilizing defined logical elements as intended Client programs Highly predictable, well structured code. Client can concentrate on handling the content
2 Separation of content from presentation using simple logical HTML and Cascading Style Sheets Client programs, users Client program has logically structured content to handle, presentation info is available if client can handle it, and user can control presentation if needed
3 Provide alternatives to auditory and visual content (including captioning for video) Users Not everyone can see or hear
4 Label elements, including graphics (alt attribute) and tables (summary attribute) Users Understand what you cannot see. Know the purpose of an element.
5 In data tables, associate cells with headers by using scope, id, and headers attributes Client programs, users Allows identification information to be available at the time the cell is read or heard


STC Region 7 Conference - Vancouver BC - November 7-9, 2002