Usability Testing

Usability Testing
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Site Development
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"There is only one valid way to gather usability data: observe real users as they use your site to accomplish real tasks." - Jakob Nielsen, Voodoo Usability

Is your site usable for your users? Only an ongoing program of user tests will tell you.

Five Basic Steps

  1. Identify Several User Tasks
    Tasks often involve a procedure the user must follow to reach some goal and cause something to happen. Examples might be viewing a document, finding out the date and location of an event, or making an online purchase.
  2. Observe Users Doing The Tasks On Your Site
    Do not just talk about your Web site, watch people actually try to use it. Keep you mouth shut. Let them tell you what they are trying to do and what difficulties they are encountering. Take lots of notes and use video cameras and audio tape recorders.
  3. Understand The User's Experience Trying To Do The Task
    Review your notes and tapes to gain insights into how well your site is working for the user.
  4. Identify Design Aspects That Are Creating Problems
    By relating the user's experience to the design, you will be able to identify were the problems are. Make changes to improve the usability of your site.
  5. Do More Tests
    Test early, test often, and test using a variety of methods. Give prompt, relevant feedback to designers as they try out new ideas.

Recommended Resources
