Invited talks
Lyle, HF 2013. Cooperation and collective action in an Andean herding community. Panel Session: Minga por la vida? Revisiting Practices of Andean Cooperation. American Anthropological Association Meeting in Chicago, Illinois.
Lyle HF, 2012. Social support networks and health in an Andean community. Presented for the Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology seminar series at the University of Washington, Seattle.
Lyle HF, 2012. Collective Action, Reputation and Social Support Networks in the Highlands of Southern Peru. Presented for the IGERT seminar series on evolutionary modeling at the University of Washington, Seattle.
Conference presentations
Lyle, HF 2012. Collective action and social support in the Andes of southern Peru. Poster presented at the American Anthropological Association Meeting in San Francisco.
Lyle, HF & EA Smith 2012. Collective action and support networks in the Andes: Reputation solves the tragedy of the commons. Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society in Albuquerque.
Lyle, HF and EA Smith, 2010. Are Evolutionary Anthropologists conservative? A survey of political attitudes. Poster presented at the 22th Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Eugene, OR
Lyle, HF, EA Smith, and RJ Sullivan 2009. Blood donations as costly signals of donor quality. Presented at the 21th Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Fullerton, CA. Poster.
Lyle, HF, EA Smith, and RJ Sullivan 2008. Why do donors share? Blood donations as costly signals of donor quality. Presented at the American Anthropological Association Meeting in San Francisco, CA. Poster.
Lyle, HF and RJ Sullivan 2006. Competitive status signaling and risk-taking inPeer-to-peer file sharing networks.” Presented at the 18th Annual Conference of theHuman Behavior and Evolution Society. Philadelphia, PA.
Lyle, HF and RJ Sullivan 2005. Peer-to-peer file-sharing as a costly signal Poster presented at the 17th Annual Conference of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. Austin, TX. Poster.
Educational Technology
Lane, C.A., & Lyle, H. (2010). New directions in general-access computing. Technology, Colleges, and Community Worldwide Online Conference hosted by the University of Hawaii, Manoa, HI.
Lane, C.A., & Lyle, H. (2009). The differing technology support needs of beginner and expert users: Survey findings from the University of Washington. ED-MEDIA 2009 World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications in Honolulu, HI.
Lane, C.A., Fournier, J., Fox, T., & Lyle, H. (2010). Campus learning spaces—Understanding students’ current and future needs. UW Teaching and Learning Symposium in Seattle, WA. Poster.
Lane, C.A., Lyle, H., Connell, C., &Fournier, J. (2009). Learning and scholarly technologies at the University of Washington: Faculty, TA, and student surveys. UW Teaching and Learning Symposium in Seattle, WA. Poster.