Please email me for a pdf copy of any of the below manuscripts
User Research
Lyle, HF, Fournier, J, Lewis, J, Phuwanartnurak, A, & K. Roberts. Submitted. Connecting students with co-curricular experiences: A case study from the University of Washington. Seeking Evidence of Impact, Case Studies. Educause Learning Initiative
Giacomini, CA, Wallis, P, Lyle, HF, Haaland, W, Davis, K, & D. Comden. 2013. The current state and potential future of e-textbooks. Seeking evidence of impact (SEI) Brief, Educause Learning Initiative
Giacomini, CA, Lyle, HF & W. Wynn 2012. Developing a context specific measure of technological expertise. Seeking evidence of impact (SEI) Case Studies, Educause Learning Initiative, October 1.
Lane, CA and HF Lyle III. 2011. Barriers and supports related to the use of educational technologies: the role of technological expertise, gender, and age. Journal of Computing in Higher Education 23, 1:38-59.
Fournier, J., Lane, CA, & HF Lyle 2010. Rethinking campus computing: Understanding students’ technology and space needs. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (pp. 1683-1688). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Lane, CA, et al. 2010. Scientific advances and information technology: Meeting researchers’ needs in a new era of Discovery. ECAR Case Study, 3, Boulder, CO: EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research.
Lane, CA and HF Lyle III. 2009. The Differing Technology Support Needs of Beginner and Expert Users: Survey Findings from the University of Washington. Proceeding from EDMEDIA World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia &Telecommunications. Pp. 2431-2436. Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Published reports
UW Faculty and Student Interest in Learning Analytics and Personalized Notifications. Click here for accompanying Infographic
UW Student Usage of Handheld Mobile Devices. Click here for accompanying Infographic
Designing Campus Learning Spaces: A Report on Students' Current and Future Needs.
Students Bring Their Own Devices: Findings from the EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research 2013 Survey
Exploring eTextbooks at the University of Washington: What We Learned and What is Next.
Teaching, Learning, and Research Technologies at the University of Washington: Report on the 2011 Faculty, Teaching Assistant, and Student Surveys.
Learning and scholarly technologies at the University of Washington: Report on the 2008 faculty, teaching assistant, and student surveys.
Lyle, HF. In preparation. Volver a nuestras raíces: The reemergence and adaptation of traditional forms of Andean reciprocity.
MacFarlan, S & HF Lyle. 2015. Multiple reputation domains stabilize cooperative behavior in two Latin American communities. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London.
Lyle III HF and EA Smith. 2014. The reputational and social network benefits of prosociality in an Andean community Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 111 (13):4820-4825.
Lyle III HF and EA Smith. 2012. How conservative are evolutionary anthropologists? A survey of political attitudes. Human Nature 23, 3, 306-322.
Lyle III, HF and RJ Sullivan. 2010. Cognitive adaptation and collective action: The P2P file sharing phenomenon. In, N. Kock (ed) Evolutionary Psychology and Information Systems Research: A New Approach to Studying the Effects of Modern Technologies on Human Behavior, Springer.
Lyle III, HF, EA Smith, and RJ Sullivan. 2009. Blood donations as costly signals of donor quality. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology 7:4, 263-286.
Lyle III, HF and RJ Sullivan 2007. Competitive status-signaling and peer-to-peer file sharing. Evolutionary Psychology 5: 363-382.
Sullivan, RJ and HF Lyle III 2005. "Economic models are not evolutionary models" Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28:6. Commentary.
Lyle III, HF 2007. A review of "Acequia: Water Sharing, Sanctity, and Place." Southwestern American Literature 33:86-89.