Parks and Trails

What if? Your Backyard was 1,400 Acres?

"We're going to pop in a couple of more trails in here to connect to the Preston Trail, so you will eventually be able to take a trail all the way to Vantage. Right now you can pull on your shoes, leave the house and have direct access to the Tiger Mountain complex right from here," notes Kevin Beares, a member of the Park and Trails Committee, as he conducted a tour of the growing Issaquah Highlands trail system.

With over 1,500 acres dedicated to parks and open space just within Issaquah Highlands, there are lots of places to walk, hike and bike. From front door to deep woods is an easy transition with the combination of sidewalks, network of community parks, then wide open trails getting people out of their cars and on through the community.

With the opening of the full Sunset Interchange last August, a special flyover lane connects the Highlands with downtown Issaquah and links up Issaquah Highlands trails with the network of trails laced through Squak, Tiger and Cougar Mountains. These trails make up what many outdoors people believe is the finest urban wilderness trail system in the nation. Highlands people can now leave their front door and have access to thousands of acres of permanently preserved woods and hundreds of miles of walking trails.

For you dog lovers out there, the Highlands also comes equipped with its own neighborhood dog park.

Note: Pictures and content taken from the Issaquah Highlands Website. For more information, click here.