Grand Ridge Elementary
This home is conveniently located a mere 100 yards from Grand Ridge Elementary.
Grand Ridge Elementary sits on 9.7 acres and is nearly 70,000 square feet with 28 classrooms, a 3,900-square-foot gymnasium, and two 2,280-square-foot covered play areas. It will also feature a number of environmental enhancements, including classrooms and windows, which capture as much natural light as possible. In addition to the energy savings, research has indicated enhanced daylight boosts student’s learning ability. Furthermore, no galvanized materials will be used in the school, to protect water quality, and all exterior materials will be selected for their durability.
The school will bring together elementary school aged children from across the area. “Our students come from Issaquah Highlands as well as surrounding neighborhoods. I’m looking forward to uniting the entire Issaquah community through school events and activities.” said Barb Walton, the new school’s principal.
Note: Pictures and content taken from the Issaquah Highlands Website. For more information, click here.