We all need intentional faculty community, including PTL and teaching faculty.
We need to continue to work to build integrated intra- and inter-campus support including DL, Libraries, IT, Student Success…
The importance of self-care — for faculty and students — has been clearly revealed, isn’t going away, and is of particular concern given the student demographics at UWT.
Students need soft skill support, particularly w/r/t note-taking, sense-making, and knowledge formation using contemporary tools.
Pandemic teaching has revealed gaps in what could, and should, be integrated curriculum on multiple levels: within individual courses, across courses inside and outside of particular schools, and at the program level.
We (DL) need to be at the table more often with things traditionally seen as limited to faculty, particularly curriculum refresh, program and other strategic-planning
Online and hybrid pedagogy is a thing (and most faculty don’t know that or don’t know what it is). And there is differentiation regarding modality, content, and level/year of student.
Isolation isn’t necessarily a characteristic of online learning. The social aspect of learning is critical and can be embraced and facilitated, sometimes in unique ways, in online learning environments.
No significant difference is an oft-proved phenomenon that remains true. Many faculty do not know or believe this.
Online learning as a modality will be blamed in non-sensical ways that ultimately become self-fulfilling prophecies.