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AAUP to fight loyal faculty salary penalty
Jan 15, 2005

 Report of Jan 14 meeting UW-AAUP chapter:

 The meeting concentrated on three issues: (1) the start of budget season and

AAUP's campaign to end the salary penalty for faculty members who have

served the university for many years; (2) proposed level 3 bio-containment lab;

(3) Duane Storti's lawsuit to recover the 2% salary distribution that was

blocked in 2003-2003.

 1) Loyal faculty salary penalty: In the next two months as budget deliberations begin on campus and in Olympia , AAUP will campaign to get the Faculty Senate and the Administration to acknowledge and do something about the loyal faculty salary penalty.

 As documented in the 2004 State of the Faculty Report, the University has had a quiet policy of disregarding the salaries of faculty who make the mistake of staying at the university for many years. Priority goes instead to recruitment of new faculty, salary bumps for those who take on administrative duties, and for those with outside offers. As a result, in many departments, especially in Arts and Science, there is a huge and morale-threatening spread in salaries at the senior level that has little to do with merit considerations. Some of the most productive and accomplished scholars earn less than the average salary in their unit, simply because they made the mistake of staying and serving  the University of Washington . (see report:

 2) Proposed level 3 biocontainment lab: AAUP members discussed the recent disclosure that the UW Medical School has entered an NIH grant competition and proposes to build a new facility devoted to research in hazardous bio agents in South Campus. The Executive Committee will monitor the issue to make sure that faculty, the campus, and the community are fully involved in this decision.

 3) Duane Storti lawsuit: Professor Duane Storti filed suit October18, 2004 seeking to recover the 2% salary increase that meritorious faculty members should have received at the start of the 2002-03 academic year. The suit charges that President McCormick broke a contract. Next week the lawsuit enters a critical phase. On January 28, Superior Court Judge Yu will hear arguments about class-action certification which would mean that all faculty members employed at that time are parties to the suit and entitled to participate in any judgment.  (for more on the case: )


 Minutes by James Gregory (1/15/2005)

 Next meeting: Thursday Feb 10, 3:30, Faculty Club dining room