I am a PhD student in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington. I work in the Mobile intelligence lab with Shyam Gollakota. My research interests are in ubiquitous computing, mobile systems and intelligent sensing technology.
Before joining UW, I finished my Bachelor's degree at Peking University in China in 2021, where I was working with Chenren Xu at Software-hardware Orchestrated Architecture (SOAR) Lab.
I am also a passionate Techno-Geek in my life and enjoying building something cool and crazy. At Peking Univeristy, I am the leader of PKU Makerspace from 2018-2020, where I have developed various fun projects.
I am interested in bridging the digital world with the natural world with its physics-based analog signals. My goal is to help computers better understand the natural world and the physics that indictates its behavior. By developing smart sensing systems and machine learning algorithms, my research extracts useful latent information hidden in various physical signals (audio, vision, RF, vibration and bio-signals), and enables novel and useful applications.
I am a full-stack intelligent system researcher, who builds systems that span hardware, software and algorithms. My current research projects focus on audio/speech processing, hybrid physics-inspired machine learning algorithms and real-time/casual ML systems on IoT devices.
ACM SIGMOBILE Research Highlights
Justin Chan, Tuochao Chen,and Shyam Gollakota
ACM GetMobile 2023
Wei Sun*, Tuochao Chen*, Jiayi Zheng*, Zhenyu Lei, Lucy Wang, Benjamin Steeper, Peng He, Matthew Dressa, Feng Tian, Cheng Zhang