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University of Washington Office of UW Technology UW Technology Services |
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Tools and Resources A series of workshops attended by UW Technology Services managers and directors to strengthen the Management Team and come together as a group to work on new and better ways to support our customers. COS Message Board (Catalyst) A message board set up on Catalyst GoPost. This board is dedicated to conversation directed around Culture of Service experiences, materials, thoughts, and ideas. Please feel free to log in with your netid and post! Customer Appreciation (MPG) A short video of C&C (now UW Technology) customers talking about what the department has done for them and their thanks for our outstanding customer service skills. Tom Colwell (MPG) A clip of facilitator Tom Colwell from the Management Workshop #2: A Culture of Service. He discusses the 8 Meta Skills with the group. |
Management Workshop #4: Goals & Identity December 12th 8:00AM - 4:00PM Facilitator: Rita Kotler Attendees: UW Technology Services Managers and Directors
Reference Materials: The goals of this workshop: To better define the four priority areas for 2008. Service Focus – Champion: Lori Stevens 1) By May 2008, every team in UW Technology Services will document their services for UW Technology. (A) Unify services in UW Technology services so not team specific. Action Items: -Form a project team to lead this -Identify teams -Look at examples of existing docs -Extend DS (other) service doc -Decide where it will be listed -On wiki? And what’s in the list (just name?) -Guidelines for documenting -What’s in the documentation -Linkages to team info -Discuss how far we go in documenting our services – (service levels?) -State service documentation goals for 2008/2009 -What’s the form of the doc – tools, style, formats -Support – how to maintain -Goal #2 tasks 2) By June 2008, every team in SDS will list services that need to be documented for external audiences and this list will be used as input to 2008/2009 goals (A) Organize services in a service tree (services lines and SLF) and not by organizational structure (B) Determine service managers for each service to be documented, for external customers 3) 5 year goal – service costs, service levels, service budgets, web reorg of info on services (urls should be org-independent) Business Continuity – Champion: Andy Ward (Peggy Ross subbed) Business Continuity— 1) By end of February 2008, form a UW Technology Business Continuity Action Team and kick off meeting, with broad representation 2) By end of May 2008 develop criteria for selecting and prioritizing critical services, and identify the top 5 critical services 3) By end of June 2008, propose pilot project to address at least one critical area (that could include multiple services) Business Continuity: Change Management— 1) By December 2007, form a UW Technology Change Management process development team. 2) By February 2008, define the underlying SMART goals 3) By April 2008, propose and have approved a phased implementation 4) By June 2008, kick off the first phase implementation project 5) Six months after the first phase implementation completes measure and document results of the defined goals Financial Responsibility - Champion: Alisa Hata 1) By February 2008, evaluate and finalize the SDS chart of accounts and for each budget have a designated budget owner and a description of the appropriate use of that budget. Action Items: -Form a steering group for this priority area (that includes a CCBF representative) -Meet to define the information needed and set agenda for meetings with directors and CCBF -Compile list of existing budgets for SDS and current expense reports -For each group of budgets (by director) meet with CCBF to review, define, and understand use of each budget -Summarize, evaluate, and revise proposed chart of accounts as needed -Present chart of accounts to Scott and directors for approval 2) By March 2008, develop and present at an SDS leadership meeting an overview of basic SDS financial framework. Action Items: -Determine elements of presentation (steering committee and others from CCBF) -Develop and propose content, format, and speakers of presentation -Schedule and give presentation -Propose schedule of ongoing education of financial processes in SDS 3) By April 2008, analyze current levels of spending for each SDS budget and compare to FY '06 - '07. Action Items: -Determine what reports are needed and how we would use them to do a meaningful analysis -Request reports -Work with CCBF and directors to analyze results 4) By June 2008, develop a detailed set of policies and procedures for financial accountability in SDS, as well as a phased plan to implement new procedures. Organizational Culture – Champion: Tammy Stockton 1) Based on the identity messaging handbook, all SDS staff will attend a presentation and participate in discussions about operationalizing our culture of service and other key messages by March 30th, 2008. Use presentation as kick off to operationalize and sustain into each team thru ongoing (at least monthly) staff meetings. Action Items: - Coordinate with UW Technology Identity Initiative to develop presentation and determine who presents - Partner with UW Technology II regarding dates when material to be published - Develop FAQ for staff meeting discussions - Presentation to managers first to ensure understanding - Develop method to track participation - Workshop? 2) Each director will ensure all of their managers, project managers, and appropriate staff completes the one hour PM overview of the new portal and processes by June 30, 2008. Encourage participation and have a minimum of one project to utilize the PM portal and processes and provide feedback to the PM workgroup by June 30, 2008. Action Items: - Each director identify staff - Schedule meeting - Track participation - Director identify one project per manager/team - Utilize feedback channel |
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