University of Washington

Office of UW Technology

UW Technology Services


Tools and Resources

Management Workshops

A series of workshops attended by UW Technology Services managers and directors to strengthen the Management Team and come together as a group to work on new and better ways to support our customers.

COS Message Board (Catalyst)

A message board set up on Catalyst GoPost. This board is dedicated to conversation directed around Culture of Service experiences, materials, thoughts, and ideas. Please feel free to log in with your netid and post!

Customer Appreciation (MPG)

A short video of C&C (now UW Technology) customers talking about what the department has done for them and their thanks for our outstanding customer service skills.

Tom Colwell (MPG)

A clip of facilitator Tom Colwell from the Management Workshop #2: A Culture of Service. He discusses the 8 Meta Skills with the group.



Management Workshop #3: 2008 Goal Setting

September 25th 8:00AM - 2:00PM

Facilitator: Patti Dobrowolski

Attendees: UW Technology Services Managers and Directors

Reference Materials:

The goals of this workshop: To continue to build discipline with our strategic planning process, to better align ourselves with our Culture of Service, and to continue to build a strong team.

Please note: This workshop was only a first step towards aligning our work with the strategic priorities for Service Delivery & Support, Computing & Communications, and the UW. The SMART goals outlined for 2008 were not meant to be absolute goals for the year; they should be used as a starting point for conversations around the priority areas and what each unit would like to accomplish in order to build upon this outline.

The next step would be to take this outline to your next team/staff meeting or discussion with your Director in order to come up with SMART goals that your unit would like to achieve in the 2007-2008 fiscal year.

The SMART Goal Input:

(1) All SDS service are defined for internal and external use by 4/08
(2) Web page that lists and describes all SDS services and links to info about each service is developed by 8/08
(3) Staff training for SDS service delivery as been identified by 4/08
     a. Service delivery: how do we go about delivering a service?

(1) SDS financial processes roles and responsibilities defined by January 2008
(2) SDS financial processes and policies implemented by June 2009
     a. Put into first one to make plan

(1) Inclusive BC Action Team formed by 12/31/07 (involving SDS staff/C&C/OIM/Staff selected by Directors)
(2) BCAT has identified a “Top 5” of critical services by 3/31/08
(3) Pilot project aligned to BC produces completed by 6/30/08

(1) Culture of service is defined, published, and communicated across all of SDS by 4/1/08
(2) Incorporate the published definition of COS into HR processes including job description, performance evaluation, rewards and recognition program by 6/1/09
(3) Develop and publish a communication strategy to provide the COS throughout SDS by 4/2/08

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