What We Did
Wk 1    Wk 2    Wk 3    Wk 4    Wk 5    Wk 6    Wk 7   Wk 8  Wk 9   Wk 10   Wk 11

What We Did


Week 1 Tuesday Class   NOTES
Very interesting group!  Had a great time discussing different points of view on past academic experiences and goals.  Everyone seems to look forward to the class.  

Monday Class   NOTES
Quick jump start beginning, but all went fine.  Many of the students feel they were average students while a few feel like they were just not ready for academics in high school.  

Week 2      NOTES
Monday Class: A very balanced group in terms of personality shapes, but a few more squigglys than Tuesdays class.  We also have a few squares who are already set to go for their presentations!  Leave it to the squares to keep us on track!

Tuesday Class   NOTES
Turns out we have quite a few ovals in this class.  And we have to watch out for our one rectangle as they like to take advantage of situations.  Our squiggly in the class is quite the squiggly.  On our time exercise, one group had it all figured out in seconds flat!  Time is time, but you can always come up with creative solutions to use it!
Week 3  Monday Class   NOTES

A few non-conformists in the class which seems to go hand in hand with the squiggly personality.  Students pondered on how much they resisted authority or assimilated into the mainstream in high school.  The attitude of 'I don't need to do anything I don't want to' is prevalent among non-conformists, and their grades are usually very inconsistent.  Assimilationists, on the other hand, seem to have more consistently good grades.  We have a good mix of both, as well as, everything in between in this class.  Great first present by Sarda and Nichole!

Tuesday Class   NOTES
Many of the students thought that their beliefs were definitely situational. But that if pressed to it, they would not conform.  In our group experiment, students who visualized making baskets turned out to be the ones who actually made the most.  Kudos to Mark who completed the first presentation in flying colors!  

Week 4   Monday   NOTES
Students did not agree with some of the data on our Gender Quiz, but most agreed with Kilbourne that advertisers go pretty overboard with how they represent ads.  Some students also thought that she was not quite on the mark on a few points also.  The class also discussed ideas around sex education and how sterile it really is, while some thought the topic best be left alone.  Sexist Ads, in the meantime continue despite our opinions.  In terms of gender doodles, this group did not support the research and both genders had genderless doodle lines.

Tuesday Class   NOTES
Students in Tuesday class also thought that Kilbourne was a bit overkill in some parts, but pretty accurate in her analysis in others.  Our mother's of younger girls are also alarmed at how mis-information is just out there and there is not always anything to off balance it.  Dialogue is key.  Our two groups did the same on the gender quiz, so everyone won.  Students did substantiate the data for the most part on gender doodles.































Week 5      NOTES   

Tuesday Class: NOTES 
Had a good start on Family Projects in the Library and students did very well in finding sources, even though some of them had large family web sites to draw from already because they have teachers in the family... (you know who you are).  Good verbal presentation Earl who has been lecturing since he was 7 years old and Dawnelle who did a great first Power Point.  

Week 6        NOTES
Monday Class: 

Tuesday Class:  NOTES

Week 7

Tuesday Class:  NOTES

Week 8
Monday Class: 

Tuesday Class:

Week 9    NOTES
Monday Class:

Tuesday Class:

Week 10    NOTES
Monday Class:

Tuesday Class:

Week 11    NOTES
Monday Class:

Tuesday Class: