
Design Principles and Pedagogy

A workshop given at the
Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education
conference in Haines City, Florida
October 16-19, 1997


The World Wide Web can be used to improve communication, increase collaboration, and promote active learning. This workshop explores the Web as used in education, with the goal of identifying elements and contexts that promote its effective use. Hands-on exercises demonstrate one method for developing effective Web pages.

Workshop Objectives

This workshop explores:

At the end of the workshop you should be able to:


Rick Ells
Information Specialist, Computing & Communications
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

Workshop Outline

  1. Introductions
  2. Basic Premises of This Workshop
  3. Discussion: Teaching and Learning Philosophies
  4. Uses of the Web in Education
  5. Understanding the Learning Environment
  6. Discussion: Using Instructional Technologies
  7. Activity: Developing a Course
  8. Feedback and Evaluation
  9. Discussion: Muddy Points and Clear Points
  10. Writing for Hypertext
  11. Usability Testing
  12. Evaluating Educational Materials on the Web
  13. Resources

© Copyright 1997 University of Washington
Your comments on this class are welcome. Please send email to rells@cac.washington.edu

Workshop notes URL: http://weber.u.washington.edu/~rells/workshops/pod97/
Last Modified: October 10, 1997.