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Not All Who Wander Are Lost
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The Collected Adventures of Chris Dessert and Various Cohorts!

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Darrington Rock 6/24/06 The plan was to do some climbing near the town of Darrington. There were some established routes off of Clear Creek Road, which branches off of Mountain Loop Highway. We had our eye on the "Blueberry Route". It's a 5.9 route, consisting of 6 pitches of mixed crack/friction climbing.

Rock Pics!
Let's get it started. We made it to the top! But we are supposed to be over there... So we rapped down.
Let's get it started. We made it to the top! But we are supposed to be over there... So we rapped down.
Then we rapped some more, and more... Chris eyeing the 5.9 crux move just ahead. We had to bail at this point, 3 pitches done completed. David rapping down, searching for our next rap point.
Then we rapped some more, and more... Chris eyeing the 5.9 crux move just ahead. We had to bail at this point, 3 pitches done completed. David rapping down, searching for our next rap point.