Sample Course Sites
The following courses are past versions of sites for classes I teach or have
taught for the Information School. These samples are residential versions
of the courses, but I have taught all of these courses in online mode as well.
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LIS 580
Management of Information Organizations (Autumn 2011)
to internal and external management issues and practices in information organizations. Internal issues include
organizational behavior, organizational theory, personnel, budgeting, planning.
External issues include organizational environments, politics, marketing,
strategic planning, funding sources.
LIS 527
Business Information Resources
(Autumn 2008)
of the extent and nature of business information and its sources, and of
business information producers and consumers. Study and use of both print and
on-line sources.

LIS 588
Special Librarianship
(Spring 2008)
in the practice of special librarianship in business and industrial firms,
government agencies, and the free-lance sector. User services and information
