
Jason Hodin



primary author(s) in bold

Tissot A.G., E.F. Granek, F. Curliss, A. Kalytiak-Davis, J. Hodin and M.L. Hladik (202) The effects of imidacloprid and polyester microfibers on the larval development of the endangered sunflower star. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, vgaf039. PDF

Burnett N.P., A.M. Ricart, T. Winquist, A. Saley, M.S. Edwards, B. Hughes, J. Hodin, M.5L. Baskett and B. Gaylord (2024) Bimodal spore release heights in the water column enhance local retention and population connectivity of bull kelp, Nereocystis luetkeana. Ecology & Evolution, 14: e70177. PDF

Arroyo-Esquivel, J., R. Adams, S. Gravem, R. Whippo, Z. Randell, J. Hodin, A. Galloway, B. Gaylord and M.L. Baskett (2024) Multiple resiliency metrics reveal complementary drivers of ecosystem persistence: an application to kelp forest systems. Ecology. In press. PDF

Galloway A.W.E., S.A. Gravem, J.N. Kobelt, W.N. Heady, D.K. Okamoto, D.M. Sivitilli, V.R. Saccomanno, J. Hodin and R. Whippo (2023) Sunflower sea star predation on urchins can facilitate kelp forest recovery. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 290: 20221897. PDF

Heady W.N., R. Beas-Luna, M.N Dawson, N. Eddy, K. Elsmore, F.T. Francis, T. Frierson, A.L. Gehman, T. Gotthardt, S.A. Gravem, J. Grebel, S.L. Hamilton, L. Hannah, C.D. Harvell, J. Hodin, I. Kelmartin, C. Krenz, L. Lee, J. Lorda, D. Lowry, S. Mastrup, E. Meyer, P.T. Raimondi, S.S. Rumrill, V.R. Saccomanno, L.M. Schiebelhut and C. Siddon (2022) Roadmap to recovery for the sunflower sea star (Pycnopodia helianthoides) along the west coast of North America. The Nature Conservancy, Sacramento, CA.  PDF

Oulhen N., M. Byrne, P. Duffin, M. Gomez-Chiarri, I. Hewson, J. Hodin, B. Konar, E.K. Lipp, B.G. Miner, A.L. Newton, L.M. Schiebelhut, R. Smolowitz, S.J. Wahltinez, G.M. Wessel, T.M. Work, H.A. Zaki and J.P. Wares (2022) A review of asteroid biology in the context of sea star wasting: possible causes and consequences. The Biological Bulletin. 243: 50–75. PDF of accepted version with supplements appended

Hodin J., A. Pearson-Lund, F.P. Anteau, P. Kitaeff and S. Cefalu (2021) Progress toward complete life cycle culturing of the endangered sunflower star, Pycnopodia helianthoides. The Biological Bulletin, 241: 243-258.  PDF of corrected proofs with supplements appended

Hodin J., M.C. Ferner and B. Gaylord (2020) Choosing the right home: settlement responses by larvae of six sea urchin species align with hydrodynamic traits of their contrasting adult habitats. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 190: 737–756.  PDF with supplements appended ... link to version of record (free access)

Bishop C.D., A. Heyland and J. Hodin (2020) Deferred-use cells in development and evolution: a life history perspective. In: CD Bishop and BK Hall (eds), Deferring Development: Setting Aside Cells for Future Use in Development and Evolution. Chapter 1. Pages 3-28. CRC Press: Boca Raton.  PDF

Ferner M.C., J. Hodin, G. Ng and B. Gaylord (2019) Brief exposure to intense turbulence induces a sustained life-history shift in echinoids. Journal of Experimental Biology. 222: 187351.  PDF

Hodin J., A. Heyland, A. Mercier, B. Pernet, D.L. Cohen, J.-F. Hamel, J.D. Allen, J.S. McAlister, M. Byrne, P. Cisternas and S.B. George (2019) Culturing echinoderm larvae through metamorphosis. In: KR Foltz and A Hamdoun (eds), Methods in Cell Biology. Echinoderms – Part A. 150. Chapter 6. Pages 125-169. Elsevier: New York.  PDF

Hodin J., M.C. Ferner, G. Ng and B. Gaylord (2018) Sand dollar larvae show within population variation in their settlement induction by turbulence. The Biological Bulletin 235: 152-166.
PDF of online version ahead of print, with appendix

Hodin J., M.C. Ferner, G. Ng and B. Gaylord (2018) Turbulence exposure recapitulates desperate behavior in late-stage sand dollar larvae. BMC Zoology 3: 9.  PDF

Hodin J., M.C. Ferner, A. Heyland and B. Gaylord (2018) I feel that! Fluid dynamics and sensory aspects of larval settlement across scales. In: Evolutionary Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae (TJ Carrier, AM Reitzel, A Heyland, eds). Oxford University Press: New York. Chapter 13. Pages 190-207.
PDF of pre-print with supplemental reference list appended

Hodin J., K. Lutek and A. Heyland (2016) A newly identified left–right asymmetry in larval sea urchins. Royal Society Open Science 3: 160139.  PDF with supplement appended

Hodin J., M.C. Ferner, G. Ng, C.J. Lowe and B. Gaylord (2015) Rethinking competence in marine life cycles: ontogenetic changes in the settlement response of sand dollar larvae exposed to turbulence. Royal Society Open Science 2: 150114.  PDF

Heyland A., C.D. Bishop and J. Hodin (2014) Manipulation of developing juvenile structures in purple sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) by morpholino injection into late stage larvae. PLoS ONE 9: e113866.  PDF

Heyland A. and J. Hodin (2014) A detailed staging scheme for late larval development in Strongylocentrotus purpuratus focused on readily-visible juvenile structures within the rudiment. BMC Dev. Biol. 14: 22.  PDF with supplemental figure

Gaylord B., J. Hodin and M.C. Ferner (2013) Turbulent shear spurs settlement in larval sea urchins. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 110: 6901-6906.  PDF

Hodin J. (2013) Evolution and Development. In: JC Herron & S Freeman. Evolutionary Analysis, 5th edition. Pearson: San Francisco. Chapter 19, pages 735-768.  PDF

Fauville G., J. Hodin, S. Dupont, P. Miller, J. Haws, M. Thorndyke and D. Epel (2011) Virtual ocean acidification laboratory as an efficient educational tool to address climate change issues. In: W Leal Filho, editor. The Economic, Social and Political Elements of Climate Change. Pages 825-836.  PDF

Hodin J., C.D. Bishop, F.A. Sharpe and R.E. Valas (2009) A creative celebration of evolution. Nature 461: 733.  PDF

Hodin J. (2009) She shapes events as they come: Plasticity in insect reproduction. In: D. Whitman & T. N. Ananthakrishnan, editors. Phenotypic Plasticity of Insects: mechanisms and consequences. Science Publishers, Inc.: Enfield, New Hampshire. Chapter 11, pages 423-521.  PDF of proofs

Hodin J. (2009) On the origins of insect hormone signaling. In: D. Whitman & T. N. Ananthakrishnan, editors. Phenotypic Plasticity of Insects: mechanisms and consequences. Science Publishers, Inc.: Enfield, New Hampshire. Chapter 20, pages 817-839.  PDF of proofs

Hodin J. (2006) Expanding networks: Signaling components in and a hypothesis for the evolution of metamorphosis. Integr. Comp. Biol. 46: 719-742.  PDF

Bishop C.D., M. Huggett, A. Heyland, J. Hodin and B.P. Brandhorst (2006) Interspecific variation in metamorphic competence in marine invertebrates: the significance for comparative investigations of regulatory systems. Integr. Comp. Biol. 46: 662-682.  PDF

Bishop C.D., D.F. Erezyilmaz, T. Flatt, C.D. Georgiou, M.G. Hadfield, A. Heyland, J. Hodin, M.W. Jacobs, S.A. Maslakova, A. Pires, A.M. Reitzel, S. Santagata, K. Tanaka and J.H. Youson. (2006) What is metamorphosis? Integr. Comp. Biol. 46: 655-661.  PDF

Heyland A., Hodin J. and A.M. Reitzel (2005) Hormone signaling in Evolution and Development: A non-model system approach. BioEssays 27: 64-75.  PDF

Heyland A., Reitzel A.M. and J. Hodin (2004) Thyroid hormones determine developmental mode in sand dollars (Echinodermata: Echinoidea). Evol. Dev. 6: 382–389.  PDF

Heyland A. and J. Hodin (2004) Heterochronic developmental shift caused by thyroid hormone in larval sand dollars and its implications for phenotypic plasticity and the evolution of non-feeding development. Evolution 54: 524-538.  PDF

Hodin J., Hoffman, J., Miner, B. and B.J. Davidson. (2001) Thyroxine and the evolution of lecithotrophic development in echinoids. In: Echinoderms 2000 (M.F. Barker, ed.) Swets and Zeitlinger, Lisse.
Pages 447-452.  PDF

Hodin J. (2000) Plasticity and constraints in development and evolution. J. Exp. Zool. (Mol. Dev. Evol.)
288: 1-20.  PDF with erratum appended

Hodin J. and L.M. Riddiford (2000) Different mechanisms underlie phenotypic plasticity and interspecific variation for a reproductive character in drosophilids (Insecta: Diptera). Evolution 54: 1638-1653.

Hodin J. and L.M. Riddiford (2000) Parallel alterations in the timing of ovarian Ecdysone Receptor and Ultraspiracle expression characterize the independent evolution of larval reproduction in two species of gall midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Dev. Genes Ev. 210: 358-372.  PDF with erratum appended

Hodin J. and L.M. Riddiford (1998) The Ecdysone Receptor and Ultraspiracle regulate the timing and progression of ovarian differentiation during Drosophila metamorphosis. Dev. Genes Ev. 208: 304-317.

Graham C., Hodin, J. and G. Wistow (1996) A retinaldehyde dehydrogenase as a structural protein in a mammalian eye lens: gene recruitment of eta-crystallin. J. Biol. Chem. 271: 15623-15628.  PDF

Hodin J. and G. Wistow (1993) 5'-RACE PCR of mRNA for three taxon-specific crystallins: for each gene one promoter controls both lens and non-lens expression. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 190: 391-396.

Wistow G.J., Shaughnessy, M.P., Lee, D.C., Hodin, J. and P.S. Zelenka (1993) A macrophage migration inhibitory factor is expressed in the differentiating cells of the eye lens. PNAS USA 90: 1272-1275.  PDF

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