[an error occurred while processing this directive]

This is the cnoweb `literate programming' demonstration program (pf.c) and macro package (cnoweb.tex) as described in TugBoat volume 11, number 4.

The package allows you to both compile (with cc) and format (with tex) the same source file.

For example, this code fragment from pf.c

/ * \subsection{\"digits(n,r)"} Returns number of digits in \"n"
   using a radix of \"r".

     A factorial can be approximated by the Sterling formula
     $$ n! \approx e^{-n} n^{n} \sqrt{2\pi n}$$
     What we want is the number of digits, which is
     $$ \hbox{\# digits} \approx \log_r(n!)=\log(n!)/\log(r) \approx
        (-n \log e + n \log n + {1\over2}\log (2\pi n))/\log(r)$$

     We will add a couple of digits to this value
     to allow for the approximations and assure that we
     have enough.
   * /

int n;
int r;
  double dn = n;
  int nd;

  nd = (int)((-dn * log10(2.718281828459045235360287 / * $e$ * /)) + 
     (dn * log10(dn)) + (.5 * log10(2*3.141592653589793238462643 / * $\pi$ * /*dn)))/log10((double)r) + 2;
  / * **  * /

  / * \nweb The
  `Commented out' code above was typed: 
  {\tt/{}* *{}{}* *{}/}.\bewn * /

  return (nd);

produces this document.

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Jim Fox
UW Technology
Identity and Access Management
University of Washington
[an error occurred while processing this directive]
[an error occurred while processing this directive]
[an error occurred while processing this directive]
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