Z Mathematical Tool-kit

Based on appendix D in The Way of Z.

Links to more Z examples.

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The Z mathematical tool-kit is a collection of types and operators somewhat like a standard library of types and functions in a programming language.

The definitions in the tool-kit build up all the Z operators from a few fundamental constructs in logic and set theory.

The tool-kit uses generic definitions very heavily: X, Y, and Z stand for any type, S and T are sets of any type, and Q and R are binary relations between any two types. The toolkit also makes extensive use of patterns in abbreviation definitions, for example it defines the binary relation symbol \rel by X \rel Y == \power (X \cross Y).

In a few places I've used English paraphrases for predicates, where the formal definition uses constructs or concepts not defined here.

These selections from the tool-kit are based on the Reference Manual, which defines additional types and operators.

Pairs and binary relations I
Pairs and binary relations II
Pairs and binary relations III
Numbers and arithmetic

Other Z pages



\emptyset  -  Empty set: a set that has no elements
x \notin S  -  Non-membership: x is not an element of S
S \subseteq T  -  Subset: all elements of S belong to T
S \subset T  -  Proper subset: S is a subset of T and S is not equal to T
S \cup T  -  Union: the set of elements in either S or T
S \cap T  -  Intersection: the set of elements in both S and T
S \ T  -  Set difference: the set of elements in S that are not in T


\emptyset[X] == {  x: X | false  }

\begin{gendef} [X]

_ \notin _ : X \rel \power X
_ \subseteq _, _ \subset _ : \power X \rel \power X
_ \cup _ , _ \cap _, _ \ _: \power X \cross \power X \fun \power X
\forall x: X; S, T: \power X @
    x \notin S \iff \lnot (x \in X) \land
    (S \subseteq T \iff (\forall x: X @ x \in S \implies x \in T)) \land
    (S \subset T \iff S \subseteq T \land S \neq T) \land
    S \cup T = {  x: X | x \in S \lor X \in T  } \land
    S \cap T = {  x: X | x \in S \land X \in T  } \land
    S \ T = {  x: X | x \in S \land X \notin T  }

Pairs and binary relations I


(x,y)  -  The pair x,y
x \mapsto y  -  Maplet: x maps to y, same as (x,y)
first p  -  First element of pair p
second p  -  Second element of pair p
id X  -  Identity relation
X \rel Y  -  Binary relation
dom R  -  Domain: the set of first elements of all pairs in R
ran R  -  Range: the set of second elements of all pairs in R


X \rel Y == \power (X \cross Y)
id X == { x: X @ x \mapsto x }

\begin{gendef} [X,Y]

first: X \cross Y \fun X
second: X \cross Y \fun Y
_ \mapsto _ : X \cross Y \fun X \cross Y
dom: (X \rel Y) \fun \power X
ran: (X \rel Y) \fun \power Y
\forall x: X; y: Y; R: X \rel Y @
    first(x,y) = x \land
    second(x,y) = y \land
    x \mapsto y = (x,y) \land
    dom R = {  x: X; y: Y | x R y @ x  } \land
    ran R = {  x: X; y: Y | x R y @ y  }

Pairs and binary relations II


S \dres R  -  Domain restriction: the pairs in R whose first element is in S
R \rres T  -  Range restriction: the pairs in R whose second element is in T
S \dres R  -  Domain antirestriction: the pairs in R whose first element is not in S
R \rres T  -  Range antirestriction: the pairs in R whose second element is not in T
R ~  -  Relational inverse: the pairs in R,
but with first and second elements exchanged
R \limg S \rimg  -  Relational image: the second elements of pairs
in R whose first element is in S.
R \oplus Q  -  Overriding: all pairs in R or Q,
except pairs in R whose first element is also in Q.
R +  -  Transitive closure of R


\begin{gendef} [X,Y]

_ \dres _, _ \ndres _ : \power X \cross (X \rel Y) \fun X \rel Y
_ \rres _, _ \nrres _ : (X \rel Y) \cross \power Y \fun X \rel Y
_ ~ : (X \rel Y) \fun (Y \rel X)
_ \limg _ \rimg : (X \rel Y) \cross \power X \fun \power Y
_ \oplus _ : (X \rel Y) \cross (X \rel Y) \fun (X \rel Y)
_ + : (X \rel X) \fun (X \rel X)
\forall x: X; y: Y; S: \power X; T: \power Y; Q, R: X \rel Y @
    S \dres R = {  x: X; y: Y | x \in S \land x R y @ x \mapsto y  } \land
    S \ndres R = {  x: X; y: Y | x \notin S \land x R y @ x \mapsto y  } \land
    R \rres T = {  x: X; y: Y | x R y \land y \in T @ x \mapsto y  } \land
    R \nrres T = {  x: X; y: Y | x R y \land y \notin T @ x \mapsto y  } \land
    R ~ = {  x: X; y: Y | x R y @ y \mapsto x  } \land
    R \limg S \rimg = {  x: X; y: Y | x \in S \land x R y @ y  } \land
    Q \oplus R = ((dom R) \ndres Q) \cup R
    ... predicate for _ + omitted ...

Pairs and binary relations III


Q \comp R  -  Relational composition: Q composed with R
R \circ Q  -  Backward relational composition, same as Q \comp R


\begin{gendef} [X,Y,Z]

_ \comp _ : (X \rel Y) \cross (Y \rel Z) \fun (X \rel Z)
_ \circ _ : (Y \rel Z) \cross (X \rel Y) \fun (X \rel Z)
\forall Q: X \rel Y; R: Y \rel Z @
    Q \comp R = R \circ Q = {  x: X; y: Y; z: Z | x Q y \land y R z @ x \mapsto z  }

Numbers and arithmetic


\num  -  The set of integers
\nat  -  The set of natural numbers, starting with zero
\nat1  -  The set of strictly positive numbers, starting with one
+,-,*  -  Arithmetic operators: addition, subtraction, multiplication
div,mod  -  Arithmetic operators: integer division and remainder (modulus)
<,\leq  -  Comparison: less than, less than or equal
>, \geq  -  Comparison: greater than, greater than or equal
i .. j  -  Number range: the set of numbers starting with i up through j
min S  -  Mininum: the smallest element in S, if any
max S  -  Maximum: the largest element in S, if any
# S  -  Size: the number of elements in S
\power1  -  Non-empty sets
\finset  -  Finite sets


\nat == {  n: \num | n \geq 0  }
\nat1 == \nat \ { 0 }
\power1 X == {  S: \power X | S \neq \emptyset  }
\finset X == {  S: \power X | ... S is finite ...  }

_ + _, _ - _, _* _ : \num \cross \num \fun \num
_ div _, _ mod _ : \num \fun (\num \ { 0 }) \fun \num
_ - : \num \fun \num
_ < _, _ \leq _, _ \geq _, _ > _ : \num \rel \num
_ .. _ : \num \rel \num \fun \power \num
#: \finset X \fun \nat
min, max: \power1 \num \pfun \num
\forall a,b: \num @ a .. b = {  i: \num | a \leq i \leq b  }
    ... predicates for other operators omitted ...



X \pfun Y  -  Partial function: some members of X are paired with a member of Y
X \fun Y  -  Total function: every member of X is paired with a member of Y
X \pinj Y  -  Partial injection: some members of X are paired with different members of Y
X \inj Y  -  Total injection: every member of X is paired with a different member of Y
X \bij Y  -  Bijection: every member of X is paired with a different member of Y,
covering all Y's


X \pfun Y == {  f: X \rel Y | Each member of X appears no more than once.  }
X \fun Y == {  f: X \pfun Y | dom f = X  }
X \pinj Y == {  f: X \pfun Y | Each member of X is paired with a different member of Y.  }
X \inj Y == (X \pinj Y) \cap (X \fun Y)
X \bij Y == ... definition omitted ...



seq X  -  Sequence: the set of all sequences of X's
seq1 X  -  Non-empty sequence: the set of all sequences of X's
with at least one element
iseq X  -  Injective sequence: the set of all sequences of X's
where each element of X appears only once
s \cat t  -  Concatenation: sequence s with sequence t appended
head s  -  Head: the first element of sequence s
last s  -  Last: the last element of sequence s
front s  -  Front: all but the last element of sequence s
tail s  -  Tail: all but the first element of sequence s
s in t  -  Segment relation: the sequence s appears in sequence t


seq X == {  f: \nat \ffun X | dom f = 1 .. # f  }
seq1 X == {  f: seq X | # f > 0  }
iseq X == seq X \cap (\nat \pinj X)

\begin{gendef} [X]

head, last : seq1 X \fun X
tail, front : seq1 X \fun seq X
_ \cat _ : seq X \cross seq X \fun seq X
_ in _ : seq X \rel seq X
\forall s: seq1 X; u,v: seq X @
    head(s) = s(1) \land
    last(s) = s(# s) \land
    u \cat v = u \cup {  i: dom v @ i + #u \mapsto v(i)  }
    u in v \iff (\exists s,t: seq X @ s \cat u \cat t = v)
    ... predicates for other operators omitted ...

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Z examples in web pages.

Z2HTML tool for translating LaTeX documents with Z markup to HTML web pages.

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Jonathan Jacky / Department of Radiation Oncology Box 356043
University of Washington / Seattle, Washington 98195-6043 / USA
Tel (206) 598-4117 / Fax (206) 598-6218

E-mail: jon@u.washington.edu