A Lesson in Netiquette

Flame Wars and Forgiveness

Sudha's page...

When you can’t see the person you are talking to in cyberspace, you could end up saying things that are harsh and hurtful. In the heat of the moment, you may forget that what’s written online, can’t be taken back. So, remember to be polite online.

Let’s look at an example

Scenerio 1

You have set-up team meetings with your team-members for a project all of you are working on. One team-member never turns up for meetings. As the deadline approaches, you send her increasingly sarcastic e-mails and post it on the discussion form as well. Is this is a demonstration of good netiquette practice?



No - it’s best to call the team-member or after sending a couple of e-mails, wait for a response instead of sending sarcastic e-mails.

Scenerio 2

You and your team-members are arriving at the crunch-time of your project. All of you pitch-in and meet more often to meet the end goal. You use the team discussion space, synchronous meeting tools to work together. Is this is a demonstration of good netiquette practice?


Yes - everyone works together to achieve the end goal without getting into flame wars

No - it’s best to call the team-member or after sending a couple of e-mails, wait for a response instead of sending sarcastic e-mails.