“Dear Dr. McNeil, Thank you for coming to our class yesterday. It was really interesting to learn all about AUVs and ROVs and how they are used for research”, 8th grader.
“Thank you Dr McNeil, I really liked how enthusiastic you were about your topic; the mindset you had helped me learn a lot. It would be appreciated by our whole class if you came back with more another time!”, 6th grader.
“Dear Dr. McNeil, Thanks you so much for showing us about AUVs and ROVs and other things. I didn’t know that you go 6 directions with only 3 propellers! The presentation was very interesting. Thank you!”, 6th grader.
“Dear Dr. McNeil, Thanks you for coming to our class. I learned a lot about how ROVs and AUVs worked and what the difference between them is. Also, I really liked the way you did your presentation and made the information so clear! Thanks”, 6th grader.
“Mr. McNeil, Thanks for coming to our class yesterday! I never knew that ships could be called ‘platforms’ and that AUV’s were so big. I liked your mini ROV that you made to show us.” 6th grader.
Build your own ROV using these instructions for Sea Perch.