Insert timing examples, esp. for testing code.


date('Y') 4 digit year : 2025

date('y') 2 digit year : 25


date('M') short name of month : Mar

date('F') full name of month : March

date('m') number of month (01..12) : 03

date('n') numeric month (1..12) : 3

date('t') number of days in current month: 31


date('W') week in year : 11


date('D') short name of day : Tue

date('l') full name of day : Tuesday

date('w') numeric day in week (0..6) : 2

date('d') day in month : 11

date('S') 2 char ordinal suffix for day : th

date('z') numeric day in year (0..364): 69


date('H:i') 24-hour time : 02:05

date('U') UNIX timestamp : 1741658740


[seconds] 40

[minutes] 5

[hours] 2

[mday] 11

[wday] 2

[mon] 3

[year] 2025

[yday] 69

[weekday] Tuesday

[month] March

[0] 1741658740 (UNIX timestamp)

date('Y-m-d') 2025-03-11

date('m-d-y') 03-11-25

date('M. d, Y') Mar. 11, 2025

date('l, \t\h\e jS \o\f F') Tuesday, the 11th of March
NOTE — single quotes prevent PHP from turning \t and \f into TAB and FF

date & getdate can format other dates
IF they're converted to timestamps

mktime( h, min, sec, mon, d, yr )
creates a timestamp — a date in seconds since the epoch, 1-1-1970

find the date, 18 days from now

Create timestamp for 18 days from now.

$plus18d = mktime( 0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') +18, date('Y') );

date('l, M-d-Y',$plus18d) Saturday, Mar-29-2025

getdate( $plus18d ) array for 03-29-2025

find day of week 1 year ago

$minus1yr = mktime( 0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y')-1 )

date('l, M-d-Y',$minus1yr) Monday, Mar-11-2024

week boundaries

Create timestamp for current Sunday (day in month (11) - numeric weekday (2)) :

$curr_sunday= mktime( 0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d')-date('w'), date('Y') );

Create timestamp based on current Sunday plus 7 days :

$next_sunday = mktime( 0, 0, 0, date('m',$curr_sunday), date('d',$curr_sunday)+7, date('Y',$curr_sunday) )


Don't calculate a week as 604800 seconds — twice a year it will be wrong.

BAD: $next_sunday = $curr_sunday + 604800; (use mktime() above)