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The quick cheap fix is: replace the entire guts, two PCBs with permanent ribbon between, IKA Works 2635 North Chase Pkwy SE Wilmington, NC 28405-7419 Phone: +1 910 452 7059 When re-installing, remember to plug in the thermistors and the motor, and don't get their TYPICAL FAILS, check first
If no power, check power switch; half of the DPST sometimes fails from corrosion.
Also look for large filter capacitor dead/leaked, sometimes with open fuse (adjacent
to capacitor; small rectangular ceramic "picofuse.") If everything works but no heater,
check if heater wire tips corroded or unplugged, or safety pot turned all the way down
(screwdriver adj, next to the power switch.)
If no heater and no stir, check power transformer on PCB, sometimes fails open,
or sometimes overheats w/low output volts (from shorted internal turns.)
If it's none of the above and no power, suspect a dead CPU killed by failed
power supply (that's a Cypress PSoC cy8c27643)
If 3-phase motor is weak, stalled, check for
dead FET drivers in SO8 package, IRF7343 dual N/P channel half-bridge drivers
(one or more dead of the three.) Note three Littlefuse TVS diodes in that area,
check for shorts.
More rare is a dead SOT23 relay-drive transistor going to the heater relay or safety relay.
NOTES: safety shutdown
The LM358 dual op-amp compares the setting of the safety-temperature pot with
the output of the main sensor thermistor. If the two values approach too
closely, or if the safety pot is set too low, the op-amp will shut down heater by
driving the base of the SOT23 BC817 (NPN transistor) low to shut off the safety relay;
removing 120VAC from heater.
A second BC817 NPN must pull the above mentioned NPN's emitter to less than ~5V, in
order to drive the safety relay on. The second BC817 is driven by the Q-output pin5 of
the 74123 retrig 1-shot, which is kept constantly high-triggered by the LED scan
signal from the CPU. And, its own emitter in turn is pulled low by being
connected to the 5pin DIN's pin3. The pin3 must be grounded in order for the rest
of the circuit to supply 120VAC to heater via the safety relay (you must
add a jumper between pin3 and pin5 on the rear DIN.)
ERROR-4: Motor speed wrong. Stalled, bearing fail, conn is disconnected,
or MOS driver fail (usually water corrosion.)
ERROR-5: Temperature probe not responding. Probe temperature stays constant,
probe is not inserted in heated liquid (or not placed on hotplate surface.)
ERROR-6: Missing temperature probe, unplugged, or corroded DIN connector. Enable the
stirplate by installing the supplied gray jumper-plug. Or, ground pin-3 on the rear
5-pin DIN circular connector by using a bent piece of solid wire #16ga to jumper from
pin-3 to pin-5. See pin diagram on the PCB photo below. The DIN connector on the
non-IKA VWR corp stirplate has the same pinout.
ERROR-25: Can't turn triac on/off, or missing heater-drive AC. Caused by: heater
wires unplugged (or tips corroded,) or the safety-relay is off (because of 1K
thermistors wrong or unplugged, or safety-temperature pot set wrong, or the
rear probe connector's shorting-plug missing.) Or perhaps the triac or heater-relay
has failed. Triac is T1635-600G, 16amp 600V, with gate driven by MOC3063 opto isolator.
More rare: failed heating element, it should measure well under 30ohms
(24 ohms when hot = 600 watt.)
ERROR-31: Heater-control relay fails power-up test. Bad relay contacts, or failed
transistor on the 24-volt coil-driver, or failed optoisolator on 120VAC-sense circuit.
ERROR-44: Safety thermistor unplugged or failed.
IKA: User manuals for magnetic stir plates IKA: Catalog page, IKA magnetic stir plates
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Department of Chemistry University of Washington Box 351700 Seattle, Washington, 98195-1700 Voice: (206)543-1610 FAX: (206)685-8665 |