Forest Info
Comparing Area
Satellite Image
Forest Cover 72-96
Paved Surfaces 2002
Local Watersheds
Salmon Runs
Wetland Buffers
Forest Topo Map
Plant List "A" to "K"
Plant List "L" to "Z"
Wildlife Photos
Tor Linbo 12/06

Winter Creek
Satalite Images of the Surround Area
Yellow arrow Points to our forest. Though this area is still "green" it is easy to see that it is geting squeezed between between growing erban areas. Also the color of green is important. Forest is dark green while grass fields, lawns, clear cuts and golfcorses are light green. Forested areas are less common.
A closer view of our forest.
I don’t know who produced the original satellite image. These are only a small part of a wider image.