The Cafe!
of the UnOfficial Raible site
When I joined the Raible Lab one of the first things that made me realize it was a good choice was the "Raible Cafe." Part office, part lunch room, part wreckroom, part bar... A place to interact with other members of the lab in both a social and scientific way.
Images from "Happy Houre"

Click on the links below to see other photos of the lab

View images "by the glass"...
View images "by the bottle"...
Like Many labs, our lab door is place to post thoughts, commics and anything that amuzes us.

Click on the door to see it up close... maybe too close... use the sliders to look around the door!

and your "back" button to come back here.

Back to the Un-Official site
To the Bottles
To "By the Glass"