By the bottle
When our lab has a major event, such as a publication, a graduation, or a wedding we add a champaign bottle to our "wrack". Click on the bottle to see more information on them
Dorskey 1998
Lister et all 1999
Jareds Exam 2000
May 7th 2001
Lister et all 2001
Shephard 2001
March 3rd 2002
August 8th 2002
October 31st 2002
December 18th 2002
Jessica 2003
Wedding 6/7/2003
July 10th 2003
February 24th 2004
November 1, 2004
November 2004
December 20th 2004
Develoment 2005
May 10th 2005
November 11th 2005
June 6th 2006
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