Enterprise Revenue Cycle Workflows


Job workflows are essential for users of UW Medicine Revenue Cycle applications. They define what needs to be done, and help frame the training that is needed.

We will be posting relevant images, and we will have announcements of interest to the community of ERC application users. We have a menu of links on the left, to get you to some of the most helpful categories of information. Menu items can change, so keep checking!

Our mission is to provide timely, accurate and usable training and support for users of the UW Medicine Revenue Cycle applications, to enable them to effectively perform their functions relative to Patient Care.

Often, workflows are presented in the form of a diagram. Occasionally, there are workflows that combine all participants in a process, each one in a separate row. These are called "swim lane workflows." Here is an example of such a combined workflow.

Updated April 8, 2016
by Ken Speer.