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Disorders during Adolescence: Nutritional Problems and Interventions Jane Mitchell Rees, PhD, RD, CD
Chapter 2 Anorexia Nervosa In AdolescenceAnorexia Nervosa: SymptomsThe term anorexia nervosa is actually a misnomer. Affected adolescents ignore and even lose their hunger sensations. The motivation to be thin apparently keeps these adolescents from eating. Since an early description (in 1689), a combination of symptoms has come to be regarded as characteristic of anorexia nervosa, although certain of these symptoms may be seen in other disorders. The unique combination of symptoms in anorexia nervosa has been defined by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) [See APA web site] .A description appears below, including considerations suggested by adolescent eating disorder specialists (in brackets and capital letters), making it applicable to most adolescents.
* In all cases females are considered amenorrheic when menses do not occur unless induced by estrogen replacement.
[top] [Table of Contents] Anorexia Nervosa: Overall prevalenceAlthough recent precise figures are not available, as many as 1% of American teenaged females, 15 - 19 years of age, are said to suffer from anorexia nervosa. The majority of persons with anorexia nervosa are adolescents, although the disease affects young adults and other age groups. The disorder is supported by a cultural paradox: food is abundant and used lavishly for purposes other than survival and on the other hand slimness is highly valued. These cultural values are strong internal messages for many in the modern world. The impact is great on a young adolescent who has not developed autonomy.[top] [Table of Contents] Anorexia Nervosa: Prevalence in femalesAbout 1% of average high school aged girls in the US and England are thought to be affected. It must be recognized, however, that accurate data are difficult to obtain because of the secretive nature of the disorder and the fact that many do not seek treatment.[top] [Table of Contents] Anorexia Nervosa: Prevalence in malesThe disorder is not common among males, with only about 5% to 10% of diagnosed cases being males less than 14 years. Of cases diagnosed in older adolescents, 19% to 30% are in males. Males with anorexia nervosa seem to have the same sort of disorder as females. The traditional lack of value on extreme slimness in males adolescents probably puts them at a somewhat lower risk for the disorder. Celebrities with excessively thin and/or muscular bodies are beginning to influence the ideals of young males, however. Obsessive muscle building and exercise to the point of harming their bodies, may be the equivalent of anorexia nervosa in vulnerable males.[top] [Table of Contents] DisclaimerThis Web Site is a reference for health care professionals, students and educators; it is not intended to provide advice or treatment to people with eating disorders. If you have an eating disorder or disturbed eating patterns, consult a qualified physician who specializes in eating disorders. |
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