A Lesson in Netiquette

Remember the Human

Rule 2:

It’s easy to forget that often online is virtual or somewhat invisible, so no rules or less rules exist. This is very untrue...You need to be ethical when you are online as you would in the physical world where people can see you.

Let’s look at an example:

Scenerio 1

You are trying to make ends meet as a student. There is a cool software that you found that you can use. However, in order to use it you need to purchase it. You don’t have the money to purchase it, so you download it illegally.

Is this is a demonstration of good netiquette practice?


No - don’t do anything that is unethical even though it is in cyberspace

Scenerio 2

In real life, most of us our law-abiding citizens. Perhaps because we are afraid to get caught. In cyberspace getting caught seems rare. Again, behave in cyberspace as you would in real life. You are involved in a group project. You don’t get along with some of your group members. You decide to voice your dissent by not joining the group calls. You ignore the e-mails and discussion posts of your classmates.

Is this is a demonstration of good netiquette practice?


No - don’t do anything that you would not have others do unto you

Scenerio 3

You are a member of a group project. One of the deliverables of the project will occur when you are out of town. You offer to complete your part of the project before going out of town. When you complete it, you let your group members know that you finished your part. Is this is a demonstration of good netiquette practice?

Is this is a demonstration of good netiquette practice?

Yes - you were ethical in letting your group members know in advance regarding your situation as well as completing your part of the project.
