/* ncoutput.c
 *                *
 *              Emilio          4/11/2001
 *                Added some comments, prettified some of the layout.
 *              *
 * Functions used to define and write netcdf files, and to define generalized axes.
 * This is a part of the Environmental Modeling Utilities (EMU) toolbox.

#include "emu.h"

  #include "nonetcdf.c"

/* external variable defined in function.c */
extern char * pszOutputFilePath;

int errnc;

/* ================================================================= */
void SetupDefaultAxes(BOOL UseTimeAxis, BOOL monmean)
  int i, mo;
  double *lon, *lat, tVal = 1.0, tVals[12];
  double lonOffset = 360.0, lonLeftOffset, lonRightOffset;

  /* longitude axis */
  lon = alloc1d_d(0,nCols-1);
  for(i=0; i<nCols; i++)
    lon[i] = fLonLeft + (i+0.5)*fHScale;
    if (lon[i] < 0)
      lon[i] += lonOffset;
  lonLeftOffset  = (fLonLeft < 0)  ? (lonOffset + fLonLeft) : fLonLeft;
  lonRightOffset = (fLonRight < 0) ? (lonOffset + fLonRight) : fLonRight;

  FillAxisProp("lon", "longitude", "degrees_east", TRUE, (float) lonLeftOffset, (float) lonRightOffset, nCols, lon, FALSE);

  /* latitude axis */
  lat = alloc1d_d(0,nRows-1);
  for(i=0; i<nRows; i++)
    lat[i] = fLatBtm + (i+0.5)*fVScale;

  FillAxisProp("lat", "latitude", "degrees_north", TRUE, fLatBtm, fLatTop, nRows, lat, FALSE);

  /* time axis */
  if (UseTimeAxis)
    if (!monmean)
      FillTAxisProp("time", "time", "default", TRUE,0.0F,1.0F, NC_UNLIMITED, &tVal, "default", FALSE);
      for (mo=0; mo < 12; mo++)
        tVals[mo] = (double) MONTH2HOUR*(mo + 0.501);
      FillTAxisProp("time", "time", "default", TRUE, (float) tVals[0], (float) tVals[11], 12, tVals, "default", TRUE);

  /* free allocated memory */

/* ================================================================= */
/* Fill the axis dimension structure with all necessary information; *
 * used for creating netcdf files                                    */

void FillAxisProp(char *name, char *lname, char *units, short point_spacing_even,
         float min, float max, int length, double *values, BOOL positiveDown)
  short i, axis;
  static char positDown[] = "down", positUp[] = "up";

  if (istype(name, "x") || istype(name, "lon"))
    axis = 0;
  else if (istype(name, "y") || istype(name, "lat"))
    axis = 1;
  else if (istype(name, "z") || istype(name, "depth") || istype(name, "elev"))
    axis = 2;
    if (positiveDown)
      strcpy(stAxes[axis].positiveOrient, positDown);
      strcpy(stAxes[axis].positiveOrient, positUp);
  else if (istype(name, "t") || istype(name, "time"))
    axis = 3;

  stAxes[axis].active             = TRUE;
  strcpy(stAxes[axis].name, name);
  strcpy(stAxes[axis].lname, lname);
  strcpy(stAxes[axis].units, units);
  stAxes[axis].point_spacing_even = point_spacing_even;
  stAxes[axis].valid_range[0]     = min;
  stAxes[axis].valid_range[1]     = max;
  stAxes[axis].length             = length;
  /* this array is freed during clean up of the application, in VariableCleanUp */
  stAxes[axis].values = alloc1d_d(0,length-1);
  for (i=0; i < length; i++)
    stAxes[axis].values[i]        = values[i];

  /* update axes */
  for (axis=0; axis < 4; axis++)
    if (stAxes[axis].active != TRUE)    stAxes[axis].active = FALSE;

  AxesType = 1000*stAxes[0].active + 100*stAxes[1].active
             + 10*stAxes[2].active + stAxes[3].active;

/* ================================================================= */
/* Fill the time axis dimension structure with all necessary information; *
 * used for creating netcdf files                                         *
 * If an UNLIMITED time axis is desired, use NC_UNLIMITED for length      */

void FillTAxisProp(char *name, char *lname, char *units, short point_spacing_even,
         float min, float max, int length, double *values, char *time_origin, BOOL Tmonmean)
  static char Tunits1[] = "hour since ", Tunits2[] = "-12-15 00:00:00";
  char Tunits[40];
  static char Torig1[]  = "15-DEC-", Torig2[] = " 00:00:00";
  char Torigin[40];
  static char TunitsMonmean[]  = "hour since 0000-01-01 00:00:00";
  static char ToriginMonmean[] = "01-JAN-0000 00:00:00";
  static char modulo[]         = " ";             /* modulo attribute string   */
/*   char s[20]; */

  sprintf(Tunits, "%s%d%s", Tunits1,YEARORIGIN,Tunits2);
  sprintf(Torigin, "%s%d%s", Torig1,YEARORIGIN,Torig2);

  stAxes[3].monmean = Tmonmean;

  if (istype(units, "default"))
    if (Tmonmean)
      units = TunitsMonmean;
      units = Tunits;

  if (istype(time_origin, "default"))
    if (Tmonmean)
      strcpy(stAxes[3].time_origin, ToriginMonmean);
      strcpy(stAxes[3].time_modulo, modulo);
      strcpy(stAxes[3].time_origin, Torigin);
    strcpy(stAxes[3].time_origin, time_origin);

  FillAxisProp(name, lname, units, point_spacing_even, min, max, length, values, FALSE);

/* ================================================================= */
int newNCsetup(int *tID, char *pszOutputFile, char *title, char *history)
  int ncID;                     /* netCDF file ID            */
  char ncfile[FILENAMELEN];     /* NC file to be written     */
  int xdimID, ydimID, zdimID, tdimID, xID, yID, zID;
  size_t timeindx = 0;

  /* construct file path and file name for nc file */
  strcpy(ncfile, pszOutputFilePath);
  strcat(ncfile, "/");
  strcat(ncfile, pszOutputFile);      /* file name maybe should be handled using Bill's */
  strcat(ncfile, ".nc");              /*   OUTPUT VARS feature in vars.cfg   !          */

  errnc = nc_create(ncfile, NC_NOCLOBBER, &ncID);
  if (errnc == NC_EEXIST)
    ExitError("Couldn't create NC file %s, NC file with that name already exists\n", ncfile);

  /* write the Global Attributes */
  errnc = nc_put_att_text(ncID, NC_GLOBAL, "title", (short) strlen(title), title);
  errnc = nc_put_att_text(ncID, NC_GLOBAL, "history", (short) strlen(history), history);

  /* define dimensions and coordinate variables (following conventions) */
  if (stAxes[0].active)     /* X AXIS */
    errnc = nc_def_dim(ncID, stAxes[0].name, (size_t)stAxes[0].length, &xdimID);
    errnc = nc_def_var(ncID, stAxes[0].name, NC_FLOAT, 1, &xdimID, &xID);

    errnc = nc_put_att_text(ncID, xID, "long_name", (size_t)strlen(stAxes[0].lname), stAxes[0].lname);
    errnc = nc_put_att_text(ncID, xID, "units", (size_t)strlen(stAxes[0].units), stAxes[0].units);
    errnc = nc_put_att_float(ncID, xID, "valid_range", NC_FLOAT, 2, stAxes[0].valid_range);
    if (stAxes[0].point_spacing_even)
      errnc = nc_put_att_text(ncID, xID, "point_spacing", 4, "even");
  if (stAxes[1].active)     /* Y AXIS */
    errnc = nc_def_dim(ncID, stAxes[1].name, (size_t)stAxes[1].length, &ydimID);
    errnc = nc_def_var(ncID, stAxes[1].name, NC_FLOAT, 1, &ydimID, &yID);

    errnc = nc_put_att_text(ncID, yID, "long_name", (size_t)strlen(stAxes[1].lname), stAxes[1].lname);
    errnc = nc_put_att_text(ncID, yID, "units", (size_t)strlen(stAxes[1].units), stAxes[1].units);
    errnc = nc_put_att_float(ncID, yID, "valid_range", NC_FLOAT, 2, stAxes[1].valid_range);
    if (stAxes[1].point_spacing_even)
      errnc = nc_put_att_text(ncID, yID, "point_spacing", 4, "even");
  if (stAxes[2].active)     /* Z AXIS */
    errnc = nc_def_dim(ncID, stAxes[2].name, (size_t)stAxes[2].length, &zdimID);
    errnc = nc_def_var(ncID, stAxes[2].name, NC_FLOAT, 1, &zdimID, &zID);

    errnc = nc_put_att_text(ncID, zID, "long_name", (size_t)strlen(stAxes[2].lname), stAxes[2].lname);
    errnc = nc_put_att_text(ncID, zID, "units", (size_t)strlen(stAxes[2].units), stAxes[2].units);
    errnc = nc_put_att_float(ncID, zID, "valid_range", NC_FLOAT, 2, stAxes[2].valid_range);
    if (stAxes[2].point_spacing_even)
      errnc = nc_put_att_text(ncID, zID, "point_spacing", 4, "even");
    errnc = nc_put_att_text(ncID, zID, "positive", (size_t)strlen(stAxes[2].positiveOrient),
  if (stAxes[3].active)     /* T AXIS */
    errnc = nc_def_dim(ncID, stAxes[3].name, (size_t)stAxes[3].length, &tdimID);
    errnc = nc_def_var(ncID, stAxes[3].name, NC_DOUBLE, 1, &tdimID, tID);

    errnc = nc_put_att_text(ncID, *tID, "long_name", (size_t)strlen(stAxes[3].lname), stAxes[3].lname);
    errnc = nc_put_att_text(ncID, *tID, "units", (size_t)strlen(stAxes[3].units), stAxes[3].units);
    errnc = nc_put_att_text(ncID, *tID, "time_origin", (size_t)strlen(stAxes[3].time_origin),
    if (stAxes[3].monmean)
      errnc = nc_put_att_text(ncID, *tID, "modulo", (size_t)strlen(stAxes[3].time_modulo),

  /* leave define mode for the new NC file */
  errnc = nc_enddef(ncID);

  /* write values for coordinate variables; a single value for time */
  if (stAxes[0].active)
    errnc = nc_put_var_double(ncID, xID, stAxes[0].values);
  if (stAxes[1].active)
    errnc = nc_put_var_double(ncID, yID, stAxes[1].values);
  if (stAxes[2].active)
    errnc = nc_put_var_double(ncID, zID, stAxes[2].values);
  if (stAxes[3].active)
    if (stAxes[3].length == NC_UNLIMITED)
      errnc = nc_put_var1_double(ncID, *tID, &timeindx, stAxes[3].values);
      errnc = nc_put_var_double(ncID, *tID, stAxes[3].values);


/* ================================================================= */
/* Setup new netcdf file from nc headers */

void CreateCDFFromCDL(char * pszCDL, char * pszCDF, char * pszTitle, char * pszHistory,
                      char * timeunits, char * timeorigin, char * pszType)
  int ncid;     /* netCDF file ID     */
  static char szModulo[] = " "; /* modulo attribute string  */
  char s[FILENAMELEN];
  int nTimeID;

  sprintf(s, "%s -o %s %s", pszNCGenFile, pszCDF, pszCDL);

  ncid = ncopen(pszCDF, NC_WRITE);

  /* set up time axis */
  nTimeID = ncvarid(ncid, "time");
  ncattput(ncid, nTimeID, "units", NC_CHAR, (short) strlen(timeunits), timeunits);
  ncattput(ncid, nTimeID, "time_origin", NC_CHAR, (short) strlen(timeorigin), timeorigin);
  if (istype(pszType, "monmean"))
     ncattput(ncid, nTimeID, "modulo", NC_CHAR, (short) strlen(szModulo), szModulo);

  /* write the Global Attributes 'title' and 'history' (char arrays) */
  if (pszTitle != NULL && !strcmp(pszTitle, ""))
    ncattput(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, "title", NC_CHAR, (short) strlen(pszTitle)+1, pszTitle);

  if (pszHistory != NULL && !strcmp(pszHistory, ""))
    ncattput(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, "history", NC_CHAR, (short) strlen(pszHistory)+1, pszHistory);

  ncendef(ncid);    /* leave define mode for ncid file */
  ncclose(ncid);    /* leave define mode for ncid file */

/* ================================================================= */

int DefNCvar(int ncID, char *name, emu_type EmuType, char *dims, char *longname, char *units)
  /* dims: xyt or xyz or xy or xzt or zt or t */

  int varID, old_fill_mode;   int bug=0;
  int dimids210[] = {2,1,0}, dimids21[] = {2,1}, dimids10[] = {1,0}, dimid2=2, dimid1=1, dimid0=0;
  nc_type ncType;
  float fFillVal = -999.0;
  short sFillVal = -999;
  BYTE bFillVal  = 255;

  errnc = nc_redef(ncID);
  errnc = nc_set_fill(ncID, NC_NOFILL, &old_fill_mode);

  ncType = EMUtoNCType(EmuType);

  if (istype(dims, "xyt") || istype(dims, "xyz") || istype(dims, "xzt"))
    errnc = nc_def_var(ncID, name, ncType, 3, dimids210, &varID);
  else if (istype(dims, "xy"))
    if (AxesType == XYT">XYT || AxesType == XYZ">XYZ || AxesType == XY)
      errnc = nc_def_var(ncID, name, ncType, 2, dimids10, &varID);
  else if (istype(dims, "zt"))
    /* is the use for XZT axes wrong?? Should it be dimids21 ?? */
    if (AxesType == ZT">XZT || AxesType == ZT)
      errnc = nc_def_var(ncID, name, ncType, 2, dimids10, &varID);
  else if (istype(dims, "z"))
    if (AxesType == XYZ)
      errnc = nc_def_var(ncID, name, ncType, 1, &dimid2, &varID);
    else if (AxesType == XZT)
      errnc = nc_def_var(ncID, name, ncType, 1, &dimid1, &varID);
    else if (AxesType == ZT)
      errnc = nc_def_var(ncID, name, ncType, 1, &dimid0, &varID);
  else if (istype(dims, "t"))
    if (AxesType == XYT || AxesType == XZT)
      errnc = nc_def_var(ncID, name, ncType, 1, &dimid2, &varID);
    else if (AxesType == ZT)
      errnc = nc_def_var(ncID, name, ncType, 1, &dimid1, &varID);
    T COLOR="#FF0000">elseT> T COLOR="#FF0000">ifT> (Type">AxesType == T)
      errnc = nc_def_var(ncID, name, ncType, 1, &dimid0, &varID);

  /* add variable attributes */
  errnc = nc_put_att_text(ncID, varID, "long_name", (size_t) strlen(longname), longname);
  errnc = nc_put_att_text(ncID, varID, "units", (size_t) strlen(units), units);
  /* maybe _FillValue should be optional, to be inserted only if it is known
     that there are no data values in the variable */
  if (EmuType == EMU_SHORT || EmuType == EMU_USHORT)
    errnc = nc_put_att_short(ncID, varID, "_FillValue", NC_SHORT, 1, &sFillVal);
  else if (EmuType == EMU_BYTE)
    errnc = nc_put_att_uchar(ncID, varID, "_FillValue", NC_BYTE, 1, &bFillVal);
    errnc = nc_put_att_float(ncID, varID, "_FillValue", NC_FLOAT, 1, &fFillVal);

  errnc = nc_enddef(ncID);


/* ================================================================= */
/* Add variables to nc file setup from a template (dimvars.cdl) */

void DefNCvarsFromNCs(int ncIDin, char * pszNC, emu_type EmuType)
  int v, i;   int bug=0;
  int fromncID;     /* netCDF file IDs  */
  int varID, fromvarID; /* variable ID    */
  int dimids[] = {2,1,0}; /* dimension ids:  time, lat, lon */
  int old_fill_mode;
  nc_type ncType;
  int nAtts;
  char attname[MAX_NC_NAME];
  char fromncfile[FILENAMELEN]; /* netCDF header file   */
  int ncID;

  if (istype(pszNC, "none") || EmuType == 0)
    ncID = ncIDin;
    errnc = nc_open(pszNC, NC_WRITE, &ncID);
  errnc = nc_redef(ncID);
  errnc = nc_set_fill(ncID, NC_NOFILL, &old_fill_mode);

  /* in netCDF file, create all variables and copy attributes to them */
  for (v = 0; v < nVars; v++)
    if (bDebug)  printf("HERE: %d  var-parameter:  %s\n",bug++, pstVars[v].name);

    /* open variable header netCDF file, "fromncfile" */
    if (istype(pstVars[v].filetype, "nc"))
      fromncID = pstVars[v].ncid;
      fromvarID = pstVars[v].var_id;
    { /* use the nc header file found together with the data files */
      strcpy(fromncfile, pstVars[v].path);
      strcat(fromncfile, pstVars[v].name);
      strcat(fromncfile, ".nc");

      if (bDebug)  printf("HERE: %d  fromncfile path:  %s\n",bug++, fromncfile);

      errnc = nc_open(fromncfile, NC_NOWRITE, &fromncID);
      errnc = nc_inq_varid(fromncID, pstVars[v].name, &fromvarID);

    /* define the variable in ncID */
    if (EmuType == 0)
      errnc = nc_inq_vartype(fromncID, fromvarID, &ncType);
      ncType = EMUtoNCType(EmuType);

    errnc = nc_inq_varnatts(fromncID, fromvarID, &nAtts);
    errnc = nc_def_var(ncID, pstVars[v].name, ncType, 3, dimids, &varID);

    /* copy variable attributes from "fromvarID" to "varID" */
    for (i=0; i<nAtts; i++)
      errnc = nc_inq_attname(fromncID, fromvarID, i, attname);
      errnc = nc_copy_att(fromncID, fromvarID, attname, ncID, varID);

    if (!istype(pstVars[v].filetype, "nc"))
      errnc = nc_close(fromncID);
  } /* END v FOR-LOOP */

  if (istype(pszNC, "none") || EmuType == 0)
    errnc = nc_enddef(ncID);
    errnc = nc_close(ncID);

/* ================================================================= */
void AddNCCompressionAttributes(int ncID, int varID, float scale_factor, float add_offset)
  float sFillVal = -999;

  /* Open Define Mode */
  errnc = nc_redef(ncID);

  /* NC data type of _FillValue & missing_value and of the variable should be the same */
  /* need to use "missing_value" too, for Ferret */
  errnc = nc_put_att_float(ncID, varID, "missing_value", NC_SHORT, 1, &sFillVal);
  /* unpacked_data = scale_factor * packed_data + add_offset */
  errnc = nc_put_att_float(ncID, varID, "scale_factor", NC_FLOAT, 1, &scale_factor);
  errnc = nc_put_att_float(ncID, varID, "add_offset", NC_FLOAT, 1, &add_offset);

  errnc = nc_enddef(ncID);

/* ================================================================= */
void AddAttribute(int ncIDin, char *pszNC, int nVarIDin, char *pszVar,
                  char *pszAtt, emu_type EmuType, int nLen, void *pvValues)
  /* use "none" for pszNC and/or pszVar if the IDs are supplied instead of the names */
  int nVarID, ncID;

  if (istype(pszNC, "none"))
    ncID  = ncIDin;
    errnc = nc_open(pszNC, NC_WRITE, &ncID);

  /* use NC_GLOBAL in nVarIDin to add a global attribute */
  if (istype(pszVar, "none"))
    nVarID = nVarIDin;
    errnc  = nc_inq_varid(ncID, pszVar, &nVarID);

  errnc = nc_redef(ncID);

  ncattput(ncID, nVarID, pszAtt, EMUtoNCType(EmuType), nLen, pvValues);
  /* errnc = nc_put_att_text(ncID, nVarID, pszAtt, (size_t) strlen(units), units); */

  if (istype(pszNC, "none") || EmuType == 0)
    errnc = nc_enddef(ncID);
    errnc = nc_close(ncID);