Assignment 2 for LIS530: Syntax

The template for Class Assignment pages is in the Templates directory

Two comments are hidden here.

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General Features (using Heading 3)

(how to use the six levels of headings in HTML)

First of six levels of headings in html

Second of six levels of headings in html

Third of six levels of headings in html

Fourth of six levels of headings in html

Fifth of six levels of headings in html

Sixth of six levels of headings in html

(how to make paragraphs)

This is a paragraph, albeit short.

This is a second paragraph - again, brief, but enough to make the paragraph.

(how to make pre-formatted text)

e e cummings, the poet,
   would stretch l o n g words W  A  A  A  Y         out    
and put       odd


for no good reason


   we knew

AAG Applied Geography Specialty Group Website - 
AAG - 
AWG - 
Careers in geography - AAG - 
E F A I R E V E N T S - College Career Services - (Virtual JobFair) - 
UNC-CH Geog North American Geography Departments - 
VirtualEdge LLC- Online Recruitment Solutions - 

This piece of text (just above this line) is interesting because, once I put it on this page, 
I was able to change the font to Arial, but I thought that it was limited to Courier. (?)


(how to make a horizontal line)

(how to make a blockquote)

If I wanted to quote someone, here is how I would do it, using the blockquote tag, because it indents on both sides of the page, and keeps the material within its own smaller margins here. I suppose I would want to note the author's name at the end of the quotation also, just to make sure it was noticed as such.

I can even separate paragraphs within the block quote section, all I have to do is not end the tag yet.

By yours truly (end of blockquote near here)

(how to specify special characters - also note the non-breaking spaces)

the "less than" uses <  thus >

the "greater than" uses &gt;  thus <

the "ampersand" itself uses &amp;  thus &

and the "quote" uses &quot;  thus "x"

Linking Exercises (using heading 3)

link to a file in the same directory

link to a file in a subdirectory

link to my homepage with relative addressing

link to my homepage with absolute addressing

link to a file in another website

link to go to the top of this document

link to go to the bottom of this document

linked to come back here from bottom of document

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List Exercises

(how to do an unordered list with at least 4 entries)

(how to do an ordered list with at least 4 entries)

  1. one
  2. two
  3. four
  4. seventeen

(how to do an unordered list with an ordered list nested)

(also how to do a 4-level nested list, actually 5 levels deep, and I tried out the disc and circle type attributes. For some reason the first unordered list came out with round, solid bullets and the rest were square, solid bullets, but when I added types disk and circles, they did change)


(how to do a glossary list)

General Sites with Salary Surveys

What Am I Worth? (The Riley Guide)
One of the most important sections here is on Evaluating Salary Data. Because data on salaries for geographers is so difficult to find, we tend to be more accepting of it. This site poses questions to help us evaluate that data we do find.
Salary Surveys and Other Information (JobSmart)
Includes both specific and general survey information, plus extras such as cost-of-living comparisons, guides to printed surveys, salary issues and negotiation strategies. The section,"Profession-specific Salary Surveys," are linked on the site to more than 45 categories, each of which may have several surveys.
Salary Surveys (InfoWorld 1998 Compensation Survey)
Primarily covering IT professionals, the site also includes short articles on issues beyond salaries, such as training, bonuses, raises and work hours, as well as comparative salary information on management levels.

Emphasizing your Text

(how to emphasize texts using a logical style, followed by combinations)

Before you clean a bird, it MUST be dead.

Before you clean a bird, it MUST be dead.

Culley notes that LeMay has not researched that aspect of the problem. (Culley, 1999)

Cullley notes that VERY dead birds only, are to be cleaned. (Culley, 1999)

(how to emphasize texts using physical style, followed by combinations)

Take that foot out of the tub.

She saw that the hand was already lying on the counter.

For this exercise, you should be typing The brown fox jumps... and so on.

Here's another Internet stock that has increased by 1/6 its value.

Here's another Internet stock that has increased by 1/6 its value.

Font Exercises

(how you can change font sizes using the absolute font method)

actually this is pretty easy to do, at least in this html editor

(how you can change font sizes using the relative font method)

and this is pretty easy to do, at least in this html editor here

(how you can change font faces)

changing font faces, or even changing font families, is easy to do too

(how you can change font colors)

changing font colors can be done almost as easily too,but you can't see all of them easily

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Image-Related Exercises

(an image saved from the net)

(a title for that image, using heading level 2, appearing beside the image, not below)

Hot-tub Gnome (beside, with bottoms matched.)

(title aligned with top of image)

Hot-tub Gnome

(title aligned with middle of image)

Hot-tub Gnome

(image made smaller, using height and width attributes)

End of Gnome

(smaller image made clickable to display the bigger one)

(alternative way to understand image for those using text-only browser)

[cartoon gnome toweling dry - indicates THE END]
Gnome toweling dry - THE END.

Background and Foreground Exercises

(background image used to change background of this section of document)

(another background made by changing the color of this document, to be implemented in another file, with a link to that file) Link to xmple1.html (having specified TEXT, LINK and VLINK attributes for both this and that page)

also see xmple2.html page for another background (an interesting design in a turquoise shade)


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Kate Duttro
Dept. of Geography, Box 353550
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98125-3550


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