The HIFT Data Set
The links below contain, as far as I know, the sum total of all the HIFT data
that were collected. I can offer no assistance in interpreting these data. The
data were sent to me on a single DVD by the University of Michigan HIFT Group in
2009. And I don't know enough about how to deal with data like this to be offering
any assistance. That said, the documentation looks fairly good to me, and key source
code are provided.
These data should be referenced by citing the appropriate article from the special
issue of the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America from October 1994 (also
known as "The Heard Island Papers".)
The summary document is
"The HIFT Data Set"
by The University of Michigan HIFT Group, June 4, 2002, 71 pp. (2 MB PDF file)
The links to each CD are:
Clicking on the link will allow you to browse and download the contents
of the CD.