• Open ocean, mode-1 internal tides appear to be phase-locked, deterministic,
predictable, etc.; for the most part
- accounting for 50-75% of the variance in tomography travel times.
• Diurnal internal tides are interesting and all too often overlooked!
• Mode-1 internal tides have very long decay scales...
they cross ocean basins? (Decay scales from altimetry are misleading.)
• Egbert&Ray have about 20 GW energy lost from M2 barotropic tide at Hawaii.
TOPEX/POSEIDON has about 2.5 GW carried away by mode-1 internal tides.
This weak number is supported by tomography/thermistors (not quantitative yet.)
1 kW/m × 2×106 m × 2 = 4 GW
...perhaps × 2 for all modes = 8 GW
• Nearfield has 6-8 GW of energy loss...we are almost in balance...
Significant additional energy does not appear to be in high modes,
or in incoherent components of internal tides.
• But work will continue...