Sites that are useful to me, David Miles, in my job as administrator for a language department at UW
- UW Academic Human Resources (added 5/8/08; link changed 10/15/13)
- UW Access and Use Agreement for UW Information Systems and UW Institutional Information (added 4/21/10)
- UW Administrator Toolkit (added 1/5/12)
- UW ARIBA eProcurement login (secure link for approved UW NetID holders only) and description (added 8/20/04)
- UW ASTRA login (password-protected site) and description (added 5/30/03)
- UW Blogs Network where UW faculty and staff can create blogs (added 4/4/12)
- UW Catalyst is useful for many tasks, including confidential surveys such as faculty votes (added 12/3/15 but used for years without adding here because it's so easy for me to find other ways)
- UW Central and Corporate Travel VISA Information
- UW Conferences and Events Purchasing (added 12/3/15)
- UW Confidential Data Risk Guide (added 8/17/16)
- UW Course Evaluation Administration: IASystem for administering and reporting on student course ratings (secure link with restricted access, added 2/5/15)
- IASystem introduction and FAQs for faculty, students, and coordinators (added 2/5/15)
- UW Course Evaluation Catalog Table of Contents for viewing student course ratings (secure link for UW NetID holders only, added 9/24/04)
- UW Data Warehouse moved to DSS-EDW Reporting Services below (DSS-EDW link added to this line 2/16/11. Earlier change noted and links removed 11/20/09)
- UW Decision Support Services (added 8/19/10) is now (4/14/16) UW Data & Analytics (added 4/14/16)
- UW Diverse Vendor Search tool (added 12/4/08)
- UW Departmental information from Student Database (SDB) added 11/2/04 was decommissioned on June 11, 2010. Similar information available from the academics section of UW DSS-EDW Reporting Services (updated 5/9/11)
- UW Employee Self-Service (secure link for UW NetID holders only)
- UW Environmental Health & Safety
- UW Equipment Insurance home page. Log in to EIS and select "View Internal Sales Document (ISD)" to see invoices. (added 12/27/10)
- UW Financial Management Awareness Toolkit (added 1/18/13)
- UW Global Operations Support (added 12/20/07; url changed 5/7/08, 11/2/09)
- UW Graduate School
- UW Grant and Contract Certification Report (GCCR) login and UW Grant and Contract Certification Report (GCCR) description (added 4/12/11)
- UW GrantTracker and UW GrantTracker login for system to manage grants and contracts (login secure link for UW SecurID/Entrust Token holders only) (added 3/27/09, 8/24/09)
- UW Internet Connectivity Kit (UWICK) discontinued. See Teaching and Learning Tools (changed 8/29/11 and again 7/22/16)
- UW Labor Contracts (added 4/10/13, updated 7/19/16)
- UW Long Distance Options including Call UW checker, which tells what area codes and prefixes are free to call to UW phones. (added 8/29/11. Changed 4/12/12 to "Long Distance Options" and added LD Services below. Updated 7/22/16)
- UW Long Distance Services including UWATS (secure sites added 4/2/12)
- UW Manage UW NetID Resources (added 2/29/12)
- UW MyFinancial.Desktop (added 5/11/05)
- UW MyUW (secure link for UW NetID holders only) (added 10/21/02)
- UW PAS Requisition Document Attachment form for PO (Purchase Order) requisitions (added 3/12/12, just in case)
- UW Payables Administration page (added 5/23/03)
- UW Policy Directory (added 1/10/11) and UW Today 1/5/2010 article on the UW Policy Directory
- UW ProCard Visa
- Procurement Desktop Reports (PDR) help reconcile CTA, ProCard, and invoices, among other uses (added 2/5/13)
- How to Buy (added 7/22/16) apparently replaced "UW Procurement Guide to (Purchasing) Goods and Services" (added 7/9/09)
- UW Profiles (added 7/16/15)
- UW Project Tracker (added 10/14/05, seems not to exist 7/22/16)
- UW PurchasePATH. UW Medicine Pathology-produced program used starting September 2011 by departments served by the Art and Sciences Shared Services Center. (added 12/21/11, updated from Humanities Shared Services Center 9/5/12)
- UW Research page (added 4/9/15)
- UW Ride in the Rain (added 12/11/03, updated 2/28/08, 12/8/11, 11/17/15)
- Item removed 12/8/11: Padelford Pedalers mailman list information (access restricted to members) (added 1/9/04)
- UW Space Inventory Management System (GeoSIMS) (url for site changed 4/24/12, then 6/11/12)
- UW Sponsored UW NetIDs (added 10/2/13)
- UW Summer Quarter 2016 Budget guide and TeamBudget. Log in to TeamBudget using UWNetID. If necessary, precede UWNetID with "netid\". (added 12/1/10, updated 11/17/15)
- Item removed 11/17/15: UW Spanish and Portuguese digital equipment signup schedule (added 12/3/01, updated 4/17/02, 2/3/03)
- Items removed (didn't work) 11/17/15: UW Style Sheet and UW Tacoma Style Guide (added 8/21/01 and 6/5/08, respectively)
- UW Subject Matter Experts list in Financial Management (added 8/25/10)
- UW Time Schedule
- UW uSwap service has been deactivated. (added 4/4/12, removed 11/17/15)
UW and Related Forms
- UW Forms Search on maintained by Creative Communications, and brought to my attention by Phillip Burger of Center on Human Development and Disability (added 5/24/10, url updated 3/14/16)
- IRS Form W-4
- UW Administrative Systems Access Forms
- UW Affirmative Action Data Form page with link to online form (url updated 3/14/16)
- UW Arts and Sciences forms list is on their Administrative Gateway page under Forms in the toolbar (added 6/12/02, updated 10/17/11, 8/22/13)
- UW Arts and Sciences Request for Additional Temporary TA Resources (No longer accessible to me, if it exists, 3/14/16. Added 10/07/02, from message dated 5/22/02; updated 10/17/11)
- UW Arts and Sciences Short-term faculty appointment or reappointment form for summer and other short-term appointments (added 6/12/02; updated 10/17/11, 3/14/16)
- UW Authorization to Apply for a Banquet Permit Alcohol Service Request Form (added 10/26/07, updated 3/14/16)
- UW Graduate School Forms (updated 7/22/16)
- UW Husky Card (ID Card) for faculty, staff, and students (as of 3/12/07 an in-person process for all). (updated 7/22/16)
- UW INS Form 1388 and 8233 with UW instructions outdated links deleted 8/22/13
- UW Human Resources Forms (updated 7/19/16)
- UW Payables Administration Forms page (added 5/23/03, seems not to exist 7/22/16)
- UW Property Activity Request Form 1024 as pdf or Excel document (pdf address updated 4/6/04; updated and Excel address added 7/22/16)
- UW Registrar forms for use by students and staff or faculty. (staff or faculty link added 12/5/01)
- UW Release Forms for permission to use pictures, recordings, etc. (added 3/8/13, updated 7/22/16)
- UW Request for Use of University Facilities Form, also called Facility Reservation Request or Event Form (added 8/7/06)
- UW Student Fiscal Services Forms (seems not to exist 7/22/16>)
- UW Summer Quarter page with application form, tuition and fees, etc.
- UW Temporary Food Permit Application (added 4/19/16)
- UW University Advancement (was Development and Alumni Relations) Intranet Forms page (added 10/7/02, updated 10/21/14) including Gift Transmittal forms. (updated 1/9/13, 12/15/06)
- UW Visiting Scholar appointments
UW Payroll, Human Resources, and Payments to Individuals
- UW Annual Wage and Tax Statement W-2 webpage includes Tax Form Replacement Request Form Word document (added 1/80/06)
- UW Benefit Load Rates (added 6/26/03, link updated 7/22/16)
- UW Departmental Scholarships and Fellowships Budget Setup instructions (added 11/9/05, changed 10/25/12)
- UW Early Email
- UW Early Email intro and instructions (added 8/3/01)
- UW Employment Earn Types (added 7/20/16)
- UWHires Hiring Manager Resources "Workbench" (secure site for authorized UW NetID holders) (added 7/30/04)
- UW Holiday Schedule is scheduled to change to a new link url <(added 10/8/01)
- UW HR/Payroll Modernization initiative (added 3/9/15)
- UW Housing for faculty and staff information page for employees (updated 7/20/16) announced in a memo from UW Executive Vice President Weldon Ihrig. (added 11/27/02)
- UW LTR-Leave and Time Reporting and LTR page for supervisors. UW Medicine Pathology-produced program used starting September 2011 by departments served by the Art and Sciences Shared Services Center. (added 12/21/11, updated from Humanities Shared Services Center 9/5/12)
- UW New Employees-- Applying for Social Security number for new international employees now at Academic Human Resources Obtaining a Social Security Number (added 9/16/02; updated link 8/22/13, 7/20/16)
- UW New Employees--New employee checklist (PDF document (added 9/16/02, changed link 8/22/13) to be replaced by Word docx checklist 7/25/16
- UW New Employees--Specific instructions for foreign nationals about payroll and taxes (added 9/10/02, link and description changed 8/22/13))
- UW Nonresident Alien Employees (added 10/9/01, changed link to foreign nationals as above 8/22/13)
- UW Online Hourly Timesheet System (added 8/3/07) and Timesheet Tutorial (added 11/2/09)
- UW Online Payroll Update System (OPUS) Don't use before 10:00 a.m. on days system is down (day after payroll cutoff). (Secure site for UW SecurID holders using certain browsers) (added 10/23/01)
- UW Online Work/Leave System home page (added 2/5/07, updated 7/20/16) and user guides (added 7/27/07, updated 7/20/16)
- UW Payments to Non-UW Individuals (added 10/18/01, updated 7/20/16)
- UW Payroll Coordinator's Guide (1/7/13 changed from "Payroll Resource Guide" added 10/23/01)
- UW Payroll Schedule for 2003 or 2004 or by months in 2002 (added 1/28/02, revised 12/16/02)
- UW Refunds (to or from UW) (added 7/30/02, updated 7/20/16)
- UW Reference Checking
- UW Classified Staff Compensation Overview (added 7/20/16)
- UW Staff Diversity (added 3/2/16)
- UW student employment and pay (compensation) information (added 10/3/01, updated 7/20/16)
- Temporary Employment Monitoring Tool Information (added 7/20/16) with a link that browsers say is insecure for the UW Temporary Employment Monitoring Tool (added 1/25/13) Note: as of 2/22/13, if you go to check an employee's hours, no matter how few hours the employee has worked the detail page says "The temporary hourly employee below has reached a critical hour time limit for the pay period ending ..." That's probably because you're expected to be coming there from an email warning you that the employee has reached a critical hour time limit, so it may not be true if you are just going there to check without having received an email.
- UW Time Reporting Online for ETR and PTR entry, review, and approval (secure site for authorized UW NetID holders) (added 9/3/02, revised 1/15/03, url updated 7/6/15)
UW Budget Information
- UW Biennium Close information 2013-2015
- UW Budget Process, including planning for fiscal year 2011 (July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011) on Office of Planning and Budgeting (OPB) website (added 3/11/10)
- UW Classified Staff Budget Levels pdf and Excel files (link added 2/12/02, url updated 6/9/16)
- UW Faculty Effort Certification (FEC) (added 12/13/01, revised 3/1/04)
- UW FAST downloading (EXTRACT) Electronic Transfer of Budget Activity Report (BAR) Transactions (added 2/26/03)
- UW Faculty Grants Management Resources useful links for grant applications and management (secure site for UW NetID holders) (added 12/30/03)
- UW Financial Reports and Information - formerly called Budget Activity Report (BAR) and Budget Status Report (BSR) distribution (added 7/26/05, name change noted 3/11/10)
- UW GCA Request to Transfer Expenditure (RTE) Review Checklist Questions (added 4/23/02)
- UW Grant and Contract Receivable Information Budget number access to a summary of invoices and cash payments on all grants and contracts for which GCA prepares an invoice. (added 1/3/02)
- UW Grant and Contract Services includes status check (added 2/11/02)
- UW Journal Voucher (JV) detail on DSS Reporting Services (added 12/20/11). UW Journal Voucher (JV) information, journal voucher requests: Electronic Journal Voucher form, and journal vouchers: form 1108. Under "Request a JV copy" this page says how to tell which unit did a JV by the prefix and number. (added 11/14/03, last updated 10/20/09)
- UW Creative Communications invoice searching
- UW Petty Cash Revolving Funds (added 12/13/01, address updated 5/8/02, 1/26/11)
- UW Planning Studies reports
- UW Primer on Facilities and Administrative Costs (UW GIM 22, Attachment A) (added 10/07/02, from message dated 01/16/02)
- UW Request for archived JVs, invoices and checks PDF form that is submitted online (added 1/25/06)
- UW Technology Services Bill Viewer for Long Distance and Line Services and Equipment (telephone) bills. These links are to the summary pages. Once there you can switch back and forth, view bills, and change notification preferences. (added 11/20/09)
- UW Information Technology Recharge Fee (page added 4/4/11 to replace recharge and cost center policy, which seems to be gone and addressed a somewhat different set of topics anyway)
Other Sites
- Apple and Mac
- UCLA "Alien Manual" (added 10/23/02, not found 6/9/16)
- HP LaserJet 4000 TN Data Sheet (not found 6/9/16)
- Language organizations
- ADFL Association of Departments of Foreign Languages. Members can also use this site to log in to the JIL (Job Information List) maintained by the MLA (Modern Language Association) (added 10/11/10)
- WAFLT Washington Association for Language Teaching (added 10/11/10)
- Spanish stuff
- 08/05/99: Fulbright-Hays Faculty Research Abroad
- Installing Epson USB printer on Windows 98 (added 7/25/01)
- Adobe printer driver Downloads (page unavailable 6/9/16)
- No longer "Macromedia," Adobe Dreamweaver for web (noted and url updated 6/9/16)
- UW stuff
- UW Major Codes (added 1/28/02 as department, college, major, and degree codes, url updated 5/16/12; site and url updated 11/4/13)
- UW Departmental Information site for extracts from the student database such as class lists, time schedule information, enrolled students added 7/8/04 was decommissioned on June 11, 2010. Similar information available from the academics section of UW DSS-EDW Reporting Services (updated 5/9/11)
- UW Guide to Ethics Policies (added 10/2/12)
- UW Online Technology News has been replaced by IT Connect (added 7/23/02, updated 6/9/16. See also my Newsletters page.)
- UW Oxford English Dictionary (OED) Access
- UW Policy on Personal Use of University Facilities, Computers, and Equipment by University Employees including email, reference to the Executive Ethics Board Web site (added 8/25/03, address updated 10/2/12)
- UW Self-Sustaining (fee-based) Programs (added 2/14/12, from Marie Potter's APAC presentation at APAC Winter 2012 Brownbag)
- Superseded UW Planning and Budgeting pdf about course payment for ASEs in self-sustaining programs (added 10/23/12) superseded by 2014 Policy Brief, which has since become outdated (new url and note added 6/9/16)
- Link to page containing link to form for requesting course payments to fee-based program student TAs no longer found and the form "Course Fee Payment Authorization" would be of no use now (added 4/10/13, note added 6/9/16)
- Sites that might be useful for ten-year review (moved from my index page 1/5/12 because most of the links no longer work)
- UW Student Schedule Update System (for departments, added 6/3/02)
- UW tuition rates and pdf of tuition history (added 8/6/01 and modified later, most recently 10/26/12)
- UW Unmatched Test Scores describes the screens used to search to find and match test scores on SDB, the Student Data Base. This may seem like adviser information rather than administrative information but many international teaching assistants must show a minimum TOEFL or TSE speaking score to teach, so one needs their scores. The scores may not show under their records on SDB if the Educational Testing Service report spells or configures their names differently. The SRF536 screen allows searching for lost scores by name or SSN. Advisers may not know about the SRF536 screen, which doesn't show up on the usual list of screens they see. On SRF536 enter "N" for "next" under action to scroll through names. Once the scores are found, someone with SRF535 screen access must match the score to the person in SDB so that it shows up on MyGradProgram and the SRF507 Applicant Test Scores Screen. The screens also work for other test scores, such as GRE or SAT. (added 3/27/07, url updated 6/9/16)
- UW Web Email changed to WebPine 12/19/01) then Alpine (updated 6/9/16)
- "Washington by the Numbers" was replaced by Quick Facts, also a statistical overview aimed at prospective undergrads (added 8/27/03, updated 6/9/16)
- Slavic stuff
Seattle-Area Language Schools
Page done by David Miles,