(for full listing, see Jason Toft vita)
Des Roches, S., K.L. Accola, H.S. Faulkner, J.R. Morgan, B.S. Perla, M. Metler, M.N. Dethier, and J.D. Toft. 2024. Shoreline restoration including armor removal and log placement affect ecosystem recovery through time. Restoration Ecology https://doi.org/10.1111/rec.14097
Toft, J.D., K.L. Accola, S. Des Roches, J.N. Kobelt, H.S. Faulkner, J.R. Morgan, B.S. Perla, M. Metler, and M.N. Dethier. 2023. Coastal landforms and fetch influence shoreline restoration effectiveness. Frontiers in Marine Science 10:1199749. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2023.1199749
Des Roches, S., LaFuente, J.R., Faulkner, H.S., Morgan, J.R., Perla, B.S., Metler, M., Dethier, M.N., and J.D. Toft. 2022. Shoreline armor removal can restore variability in intertidal ecosystems. Ecological Indicators 140:109056. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2022.109056
Accola, K.L., J.K. Horne, J.R. Cordell, and J.D. Toft. 2022. Nocturnal distributions of juvenile Pacific salmon along an eco-engineered marine shoreline. Marine Ecology Progress Series 687:113-123. https://doi.org/10.3354/meps14006
Accola, K.L., J.K. Horne, J.R. Cordell, and J.D. Toft. 2022. Acoustic characterization of juvenile Pacific salmon distributions along an eco-engineered seawall. Marine Ecology Progress Series 682:207-220. https://doi.org/10.3354/meps13917
Toft, J.D., M.N. Dethier, E.R. Howe, E.V. Buckner, and J.R. Cordell. 2021. Effectiveness of living shorelines in the Salish Sea. Ecological Engineering. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2021.106255
Munsch, S.H., J.S. Barber, J.R. Cordell, P.M. Kiffney, B.L. Sanderson, and J.D. Toft. 2021. Small invertebrates in bivalve-cultivated and unmodified habitats of nearshore ecosystems. Hydrobiologia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-021-04520-1
Sawyer, A.C., J.D. Toft, and J.R. Cordell. 2020. Seawall as salmon habitat: Eco-engineering improves the distribution and foraging of juvenile Pacific salmon. Ecological Engineering 151:105856. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2020.105856
Morris, R.L., et al. (25 total authors). 2019. Design Options, Implementation Issues and Evaluating Success of Ecologically Engineered Shorelines. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review 57:169-228.
Toft J.D., S.H. Munsch, J.R. Cordell, K. Siitari, V.C. Hare, B. Holycross, L.A. DeBruyckere, C.M. Greene, and B.B. Hughes. 2018. Impact of multiple stressors on juvenile fish in estuaries of the Northeast Pacific. Global Change Biology 24:2008–2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.14055
Toft, J., L. Fore, T. Hass, B. Bennett, L. Brubaker, D. Brubaker, C. Rice, and Island County Beach Watchers. 2017. A framework to analyze citizen science data for volunteers, managers, and scientists. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 2:9. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/cstp.
Toft J.D., D.M. Bilkovic, M.M. Mitchell, and M.K. La Peyre. 2017. A Synthesis of Living Shoreline Perspectives. In Bilkovic, D.M., M.M. Mitchell, M.K. La Peyre, and J.D. Toft (Eds). Living Shorelines: The Science and Management of Nature-Based Coastal Protection. CRC Press. p. 481-486.
Cordell, J.R., J.D. Toft, S. Munsch, and M. Goff. 2017. Benches, Beaches, and Bumps: How Habitat Monitoring and Experimental Science can Inform Urban Seawall Design. In Bilkovic, D.M., M.M. Mitchell, M.K. La Peyre, and J.D. Toft (Eds). Living Shorelines: The Science and Management of Nature-Based Coastal Protection. CRC Press. p. 421-438.
Munsch, S.H., J.R. Cordell, and J.D. Toft. 2017. Effects of shoreline armoring and overwater structures on coastal and estuarine fish: opportunities for habitat improvement. Journal of Applied Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12906
Dethier, M.N., J.D. Toft, and H. Shipman. 2016. Shoreline armoring in an inland sea: science-based recommendations for policy implementation. Conservation Letters. DOI: 10.1111/conl.12323
Munsch, S.H., J.R. Cordell, and J.D. Toft. 2016. Feature Article. Fine-scale habitat use and behavior of a nearshore fish community: nursery functions, predation avoidance, and spatiotemporal habitat partitioning. Marine Ecology Progress Series 557:1-15.
Dethier, M.N., W.W. Raymond, A.N. McBride, J.D. Toft, J.R. Cordell, A.S. Ogston, S.M. Heerhartz, and H.D. Berry. 2016. Multiscale impacts of armoring on Salish Sea shorelines: Evidence for cumulative and threshold effects. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 175:106-117.
David, A.T., C.A. Simenstad, J.R. Cordell, J.D. Toft, C.S. Ellings, A. Gray, and H.B. Berge. 2016. Wetland loss, juvenile salmon foraging performance, and conspecific density dependence in Pacific Northwest estuaries. Estuaries and Coasts 39:767-780.
Toft, J.D., J.R. Cordell, and E.A. Armbrust. 2014. Shoreline armoring impacts and beach restoration effectiveness vary with elevation. Northwest Science 88:367-375.
Toft, J.D., A.S. Ogston, S.M. Heerhartz, J.R. Cordell, and E.E. Flemer. 2013. Ecological response and physical stability of habitat enhancements along an urban armored shoreline. Ecological Engineering 57: 97-108.
Toft, J.D., J.R. Cordell, C.A. Simenstad, and L.A. Stamatiou. 2007. Fish distribution, abundance, and behavior along city shoreline types in Puget Sound. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27: 465-480.