UW Physics & Astronomy Linux Guru

Linux SL7, SSSD & UWWI

These are notes about my attempts to get a Scientific Linux 7.2 system to use the UWWI for user information, authentication and authorization via the SSSD system.

I have manged to get things to partially work, but there are significant difficulties:

And some things not yet tested/worked on:

Current Conclusion

Further work may alleviate these issues, but at the current time, the following difficulties should be deemed critical:

Thus, while the current work shows some hints of future possibilities, the current attempts at integrating SL7 w/ the UWWI is unsuitable for any serious production work.


Trial Installations and Setups

Being as I have not been able to create a fully satisfactory SSSD to UWWI setup, what I present here are several piece-wise configurations and describe what works and what doesn't under each, so that one can get some idea of what parts provide (or fail to provide) what functionality.

SL7 Installation

We begin with a base install of SL7 OS with no extra packages. What works here should work for RHEL7 and CentOS7 as well. Our example machine will be trantor.phys.washington.edu.

Install SL7.2, base only, on trantor.phys.washington.edu

Joining to the UWWI AD

The linux system can be joined to the UWWI AD using the adcli command, obtained from the 'adcli' package:

yum install adcli

It is presupposed that you already have a UWWI delegated OU, an admin account w/ priviliges to join machines to that OU, and an appropriate UWWI AD name for the machine. No pre-creation of the machine w/in the UWWI AD is required.

Note that there are guidelines for naming machines w/in the UWWI AD [reference?], and that the AD name and the DNS name do not have to be the same.

adcli join \
  -U sadm_somsky \						# your admin account
  -N phys-trantor \						# UWWI AD machine name
  -O OU=phys,OU=Delegated,DC=netid,DC=washington,DC=edu \	# your delegated OU

This will register the machine w/ the UWWI, and will create the file /etc/krb5.keytab on the machine.


Here we install sssd and configure it to supply the nss (passwd/group) data.

If no shell is defined w/in AD, we are using /bin/tcsh.

Also, we are ignoring the unixHomeDirectory field and overriding it to be /home/<username>.

Note that we are *not* using SID to UID/GID mapping -- we wish to use the posix UID and GID values from the uidNumber and gidNumber fields.

yum install sssd		# will pull in needed dependancies


# /etc/sssd.conf
# Note: must be mode 600!

debug_level = 0
config_file_version = 2
domains = netid.washington.edu
services = nss

debug_level = 0
default_shell = /bin/tcsh
override_homedir = /home/%u
# allowed_shells, vetoed_shells, override_shell, shell_fallback

debug_level = 0
id_provider = ad
auth_provider = ad
access_provider = ad
chpass_provider = ad
ldap_id_mapping = false
# cache_credentials = false (default)
# use_fully_qualified_names = false (default)

Once the sssd.conf file is in place, we can start (or restart) the sssd system:

systemctl enable sssd.service
systemctl restart sssd.service

With this, we have the following functionality:

#] getent passwd somsky
## Okay!

#] getent group somsky
## Fails!!!

#] getent group uw_phys_pacs_staff
## Okay!

#] getent passwd 9050
## Okay!

#] getent group 1100398039
## Fails!!! AND takes a long time! (30s)

#] getent group 150842
## Okay!

#] su somsky
id: cannot find name for group ID 1100398039
## Completes BUT fails to get secondary groups
## Also, takes a long time, presumably due to gid lookup

#] su - somsky
## Completes BUT fails to get secondary groups
## Also, takes a long time, presumably due to gid lookup

This failure -- especially with the delay -- to map the user-personal GID back to a name is troubling. Operations such as 'id' and 'ls -l' which try to map gid's back to names end up having unacceptable delays. Additionaly, the failure to return the the username makes various .profile/.cshrc tests for the use of user-personal GID's fail.

(Note: I have *occasionally* seen results where the user-personal GID lookup comes back quickly (still failing) -- it may be hitting some cache -- but the majority of the time it takes approx 30 seconds to fail.)

The 'su' command partially works in that it will start a new shell w/ the proper UID and primary GID, but it fails to obtain any of the secondary GID's for the account.


The addition of PAM configuration allows logins to be performed using the UWWI information.


# /etc/sssd.conf
# Note: must be mode 600!

debug_level = 0
config_file_version = 2
domains = netid.washington.edu
services = nss, pam

debug_level = 0
default_shell = /bin/tcsh
override_homedir = /home/%u
# allowed_shells, vetoed_shells, override_shell, shell_fallback

debug_level = 0

debug_level = 0
id_provider = ad
auth_provider = ad
access_provider = ad
chpass_provider = ad
ldap_id_mapping = false
# cache_credentials = false (default)
# use_fully_qualified_names = false (default)


auth        required      pam_env.so
auth        sufficient    pam_unix.so nullok try_first_pass
auth        requisite     pam_succeed_if.so uid >= 1000 quiet_success
auth        sufficient    pam_sss.so use_first_pass
auth        required      pam_deny.so

account     required      pam_unix.so
account     sufficient    pam_localuser.so
account     sufficient    pam_succeed_if.so uid < 1000 quiet
account     [default=bad success=ok user_unknown=ignore] pam_sss.so
account     required      pam_permit.so

password    requisite     pam_pwquality.so try_first_pass local_users_only retry=3 authtok_type=
password    sufficient    pam_unix.so sha512 shadow nullok try_first_pass use_authtok
password    sufficient    pam_sss.so use_authtok
password    required      pam_deny.so

session     optional      pam_keyinit.so revoke
session     required      pam_limits.so
-session     optional      pam_systemd.so
session     [success=1 default=ignore] pam_succeed_if.so service in crond quiet use_uid
session     required      pam_unix.so
session     optional      pam_sss.so

Replace the existing system-auth and password-auth PAM files w/ the new system-auth-sss file

ln -sf system-auth-sss /etc/pam.d/system-auth
ln -sf system-auth-sss /etc/pam.d/password-auth 

Again, we can start (or restart) the sssd system

systemctl enable sssd.service
systemctl restart sssd.service

All the previous functionality of the SSSD+NSS setup still works as before (with all its successes AND failures), but we can now ssh into the machine or log into the console using a UWNetID. However, just as in the ssh case above, none of the secondary groups are picked up.

Note further, that with this configuration, ANY UWNetID can successfully log in. No access control is implemented w/ this level of configuration.

Next Step?

I am considering what to try for the next step.