

Student Learning Outcomes at Cascadia

Required Texts & Readings:
(1) Ellison, Ralph (1995). Invisible Man, 2nd Edition. Vintage Books. 
(2) Sundquist, Eric (1995). Cultural Contexts for Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man. Bedford’s books Optional (depending on your module selection) 
(1) Ellis, D. (2000). Becoming a Master Student, Ninth Edition. Houghton Mifflin. Assessment and GradingInvisible Man,
Author: Ralph Ellison
All Available in Campus Book Store

Selected Readings for activities may be distributed in class.


Assignments are due every week. It is the student's responsibility to complete the scheduled readings and to turn in assignments due by week. You must turn everything in to receive points and late assignments may lose points. The types of assignments required include the following:

Journal response are informal, but intelligent response to each week's readings and issues. They are intended to help students learn how to thoughtfully respond materials and discussions in class and to help students prepare their research for their final project. They should be composed of three parts: a) gut response to reading/discussion b) possible research topics or issues involved c) one outside source that relates (20 points per entry, 5 total)

Literature Circles will be done in groups and will draw on the week's readings and materials. Each group has a role that will help facilitate the student interaction. Each group will also give a presentation which includes 2-3 minutes of summary about the reading, 2-3 minutes of critical response on the reading, ie. "We found this section interesting because...." and an interactive exercise. See the instructor for questions or suggestions. This activity should integrate the four learning outcomes. (45 points)

Participation in class counts! More than 3 unexcused absences result in a 25% point reduction. (Aprx. 25-30 points)

Module Logs are required for each student. All students will take & choose Modules that will help them attain desired skills in Learning Outcomes. Logs will record the process or experience. (15 Points each)

The Final Project will give students the opportunity to research and write about a topic of their choice as related to Ellison’s The Invisible Man. Students should be as creative or as traditional as you like. *Example: Power Point, Video, Research essay or Web page (50 points)

E-Portfolios are an electronic showcase of your “best” work. They will store your student profile, class descriptions, interview or resume, two assignments, accompanied by a personal reflection and a final project. This class includes two workshops on entering info into your electronic portfolio. (30 points)