My name is Donna Bolima and I am your instructor this quarter.
have been teaching at Cascadia since it opened Fall of 2000.
am a very reasonable grader and instructor and you should not feel like
any question is too basic or complex to ask.
But let me give you a brief introduction of myself.
I began my educational career in Angoon, Alaska in the late 70’s, on a million acre Island in Southeast Alaska. I lived in a Tlingit Village of 600 and it was the only settlement on the island. Needless to say, as a city-girl, I experienced a heavy culture shock. |
intrigued me when I began working in the Angoon School, however, was that
the educational system did not seem very effective in complimenting
student learning.
For instance there were books that referenced escalators and
elevators when most students there had never seen one.
Angoon did not have any TV or radio at the time and the only way in
or out was by seaplane.
In fact, bears out-numbered people three to one.
It was very rural and traditional in Tlingit ways, yet most of the
teachers who came to teach were from downstate U.S. and non-native.
The questions that arose for me were: What is education? How do cultural values affect student learning and thinking? How does bias affect the way we see the world? How does mainstream society influence who we are and what we value? |
realized after a time, that these were not easy questions with easy answers.
In fact, within and without the context of the our readings , we
will continue to explore answers to these questions and more.
Acquaint yourself with the class web site and the syllabus, and EMAIL me with questions regarding any of the assignments due. Make sure your student account is working if you are new to Cascadia, as you will need to use student accounts in this class. Go to or call the Open Learning Center to have them trouble shoot problems. Review the Guides to Invisible Man (if in college 101) as you begin reading Ellison. This is not an easy book to read and it will raise many issues. For 150 students, please begin answering the question --which "Umpire" are you?
Talk with you soon!!!
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