vi Editor Reference

This reference was originally developed by Maarten Litmaath
<>, and has been contributed to by many others
(see list at the end of document).

     Warning: some vi versions don't support the more esoteric
features described in this document.

default values          : 1
^X                      : <ctrl>x
[*]                     : `*' is optional
<*>                     : `*' must not be taken literally
<sp>                    : space
<cr>                    : carriage return
<lf>                    : linefeed
<ht>                    : horizontal tab
<esc>                   : escape
<erase>                 : your erase character
<kill>                  : your kill character
<intr>                  : your interrupt character
<a-z>                   : an element in the range
N                       : number (`*' = allowed,  `-'  =  not
CHAR                    : char unequal to <ht>|<sp>
WORD                    : word followed by <ht>|<sp>|<lf>

Move Commands

 N | Command            | Meaning
 * | h | ^H | <erase>   | <*> chars to the left.
 * | j | <lf> | ^N      | <*> lines downward.
 * | l | <sp>           | <*> chars to the right.
 * | k | ^P             | <*> lines upward.
 * | $                  | To the end of  line  <*>  from  the cursor.
 - | ^                  | To the first CHAR of the line.
 * | _                  | To the first CHAR  <*>  -  1  lines lower.
 * | -                  | To the first CHAR <*> lines higher.
 * | + | <cr>           | To the first CHAR <*> lines lower.
 - | 0                  | To the first char of the line.
 * | |                  | To column <*> (<ht>:  only  to  the endpoint).
 * | f<char>            | <*> <char>s to the right (find).
 * | t<char>            | Till  before  <*>  <char>s  to  the right.
 * | F<char>            | <*> <char>s to the left.
 * | T<char>            | Till after <*> <char>s to the left.
 * | ;                  | Repeat latest  `f'|`t'|`F'|`T'  <*> times.
 * | ,                  | Idem in opposite direction.
 * | w                  | <*> words forward.
 * | W                  | <*> WORDS forward.
 * | b                  | <*> words backward.
 * | B                  | <*> WORDS backward.
 * | e                  | To the end of word <*> forward.
 * | E                  | To the end of WORD <*> forward.
 * | G                  | Go to line <*> (default EOF).
 * | H                  | To line <*> from top of the  screen (home).
 * | L                  | To line  <*>  from  bottom  of  the screen
   |                    |  (last).
 - | M                  | To the middle line of the screen.
 * | )                  | <*> sentences forward.
 * | (                  | <*> sentences backward.
 * | }                  | <*> paragraphs forward.
 * | {                  | <*> paragraphs backward.
 - | ]]                 | To the next section (default EOF).
 - | [[                 | To the  previous section (default begin of
   |                    |  file).
 - | `<a-z>             | To the mark.
 - | '<a-z>             | To the first CHAR of the line with the mark.
 - | ``                 | To the cursor position before the latest
   |                    |  absolute jump (of which are examples `/'
   |                    |  and `G').
 - | ''                 | To the first CHAR of the line on which the
   |                    |  cursor was placed before the latest
   |                    |  absolute jump.
 - | /<string>          | To the next occurrence of <string>.
 - | ?<string>          | To  the  previous  occurrence  of <string>.
 - | n                  | Repeat latest `/'|`?' (next).
 - | N                  | Idem in opposite direction.
 - | %                  | Find the next bracket and go to its match
                        | (also with `{'|`}' and `['|`]').

Searching (See Above)

:ta <name>              | Search  in  the  tags  file  where <name>
                        |  is defined (file, line), and go to it.
^]                      | Use the name under the cursor in  a `:ta'
                        |  command.
:[x,y]g/<string>/<cmd>  | Search globally [from line x to  y] for
                        |  <string> and execute the `ex' <cmd> on
                        |  each occurrence.
:[x,y]v/<string>/<cmd>  | Execute <cmd>  on  the  lines  that don't
                        |  match.

Undoing Changes

u                       | Undo the latest change.
U                       | Undo all changes on a  line,  while not
                        |  having moved off it (unfortunately).
:q!                     | Quit vi without writing.
:e!                     | Re-edit a messed-up file.

Appending Rext (end with <esc>)

 * | a                  | <*> times after the cursor.
 * | A                  | <*> times at the end of line.
 * | i                  | <*> times before  the  cursor  (insert).
 * | I                  | <*> times before the first CHAR  of the line
 * | o                  | On a new  line  below  the  current (open).
                        | The count is only useful on a  slow terminal.
 * | O                  | On a new line above the current.
                        | The count is only useful on a  slow terminal.
 * |  ><move>           | Shift  the  lines  described  by <*><move> one
                        | shiftwidth to the right (layout!).
 * | >>                 | Shift <*> lines one  shiftwidth  to the right.
 * | ["<a-z1-9>]p       | Put the contents  of  the  (default undo)
                        | buffer <*> times after the cursor.
                        | A buffer containing  lines  is  put only once,
                        | below the current line.
 * | ["<a-z1-9>]P       | Put the contents  of  the  (default undo) buffer
                        | <*> times before the cursor.
                        | A buffer containing  lines  is  put only once,
                        | above the current line.
 * | .                  | Repeat previous command <*> times.
                        | If the last command before a `.' command
                        | references a numbered buffer, the buffer number
                        | is incremented first (and the count is ignored):
                        | "1pu.u.u.u.u      - `walk  through' buffers 1
                        |                     through 5
                        | "1P....           - restore them

Deleting Text

Everything deleted can be stored into a buffer. This is achieved
by putting a `"' and a letter <a-z> before the delete command.
The deleted text will be in the buffer with the used letter. If
<A-Z> is used as buffer name, the adjugate buffer <a-z> will be
augmented instead of overwritten with the text. The undo buffer
always contains the latest change. Buffers <1-9> contain the
latest 9 LINE deletions (`"1' is most recent).

 * | x                  | Delete <*> chars under and after the cursor.
 * | X                  | <*> chars before the cursor.
 * | d<move>            | From  begin to endpoint of <*><move>.
 * | dd                 | <*> lines.
 - | D                  | The rest of the line.
 * |  <<move>           | Shift  the lines  described by <*><move> one
                        | shiftwidth to the left (layout!).
 * | <<                 | Shift <*> lines one shiftwidth to the left.
 * | .                  | Repeat latest command <*> times.

Changing Text (end with <esc>)

 * | r<char>            | Replace <*> chars by  <char>  -  no <esc>.
 * | R                  | Overwrite the rest of the line,
                        | appending change <*> - 1 times.
 * | s                  | Substitute <*> chars.
 * | S                  | <*> lines.
 * | c<move>            | Change from begin to endpoint of <*><move>.
 * | cc                 | <*> lines.
 * | C                  | The rest of the line and <*> - 1 next lines.
 * | =<move>            | If the option `lisp' is set, this command
                        |  will realign the lines described by <*><move>
                        |  as though they had been typed with the option
                        |  `ai' set too.
 - | ~                  | Switch lower and upper cases.
 * | J                  | Join <*> lines (default 2).
 * | .                  | Repeat  latest  command <*> times (`J' only
                        |  once).
 - | &                  | Repeat latest `ex' substitute  command, e.g.
                        | `:s/wrong/good'.
 - | :[x,y]s/<p>/<r>/<f>| Substitute (on lines x through y) the pattern
                        |  <p> (default the last pattern) with <r>.
                        |  Useful flags <f> are `g' for `global'
                        |  (i.e. change every non-overlapping occurrence
                        |  of <p>) and `c' for `confirm' (type `y' to
                        |  confirm  a particular substitution, else
                        |  <cr>).   Instead of `/' any punctuation
                        |  CHAR  unequal  to <lf> can be used as
                        |  delimiter.

Substitute Replacement Patterns

The basic meta-characters for the replacement pattern are `&'
and `~'; these are given as `' and `~' when nomagic is set. Each
instance of `&' is replaced by the characters which the regular
expression matched. The meta-character `~' stands, in the
replacement pattern, for the defining text of the previous
replacement pattern. Other meta-sequences possible in the
replacement pattern are always introduced by the escaping
character `'. The sequence `0 (with `n' in [1-9]) is replaced by
the text matched by the n-th regular subexpression enclosed
between ` and `)'. The sequences ` 8' and ` in the replacement
to be converted to upper- or lower-case respectively if this
character is a letter. The sequences `U' and ` or `' is
encountered, or until the end of the replacement pattern.

Remembering Text (yanking)

With yank commands you can put `"<a-z>' before the command, just
as with delete commands. Otherwise you only copy to the undo
buffer. The use of buffers <a-z> is THE way of copying text to
another file; see the `:e <file>' command.

 * | y<move>            | Yank  from  begin  to  endpoint  of <*><move>.
 * | yy                 | <*> lines.
 * | Y                  | Idem (should be equivalent to  `y$' though).
 - | m<a-z>             | Mark the  cursor  position  with  a letter.

Commands While in Append|Change Mode

^@                      | If typed as the first character  of the
                        | insertion, it is replaced with  the previous
                        | text  inserted  (max.  128  chars), after which
                        | the insertion is terminated.
^V                      | Deprive the next char of  its  special meaning
                        | (e.g. <esc>).
^D                      | One shiftwidth to the left.
0^D                     |  Remove all indentation on the current line
                        | (there must be no  other  chars  on the line).
^^D                     | Idem, but it  is  restored  on  the next line.
^T                      | one shiftwidth to the right
^H | <erase>            | One char back.
^W                      | One word back.
<kill>                  | Back to the begin of the change  on the
                        | current line.
<intr>                  | like <esc>.

Writing, Editing Other Files, and Quitting vi

In `:' `ex' commands `%' denotes the current file, `#' is a
synonym for the alternate file (which normally is the previous
file). Marks can be used for line numbers too: '<a-z>. In the
`:w'|`:f'|`:cd'|`:e'|`:n' commands shell meta-characters can be

:q                      | Quit vi, unless the buffer has been changed.
:q!                     | Quit vi without writing.
^Z                      | Suspend vi.
:w                      | Write the file.
:w <name>               | Write to the file <name>.
:w >> <name>            | Append  the  buffer  to  the  file <name>.
:w! <name>              | Overwrite the file <name>.
:x,y w <name>           | Write lines x through y to the file <name>.
:wq                     | Write the file and quit vi; some versions quit
                        |  even if the write was unsuccessful!
                        |  Use `ZZ' instead.
ZZ                      | Write  if  the  buffer  has  been changed, and
                        |  quit vi. If you have invoked vi with the `-r'
                        |  option, you'd better write the file
                        |  explicitly (`w' or `w!'), or quit the
                        |  editor explicitly (`q!') if you don't want
                        |  to overwrite the file - some  versions of vi
                        |  don't handle the  `recover'  option very well.
:x [<file>]             | Same as ZZ [but write to <file>].
:x! [<file>]            | `:w![<file>]' and `:q'.
:pre                    | Preserve the file - the  buffer is saved as if
                        |  the system had just crashed; for emergencies,
                        |  when a `:w' command has failed  and you don't
                        |  know how to save your work (see `vi -r').
:f <name>               | Set the current filename to <name>.
:cd [<dir>]             | Set the working directory to <dir>
                        |  (default home directory).
:cd! [<dir>]            | Idem, but don't save changes.
:e [+<cmd>] <file>      | Edit another file without  quitting vi - the
                        |  buffers are not changed (except the undo
                        |  buffer), so text can be copied from one file to
                        |  another this way. [Execute  the `ex' command
                        |  <cmd> (default `$') when the new file has been
                        |  read into the buffer.] <cmd> must contain no
                        |  <sp> or <ht>. See `vi startup'.
:e! [+<cmd>] <file>     | Idem, without writing  the  current buffer.
^^                      |  Edit the alternate (normally the previous)
                        |  file.
:rew                    | Rewind the argument list, edit  the first file.
:rew!                   | Idem, without writing the current buffer.
:n [+<cmd>] [<files>]   | Edit next file or specify a new argument list.
:n! [+<cmd>] [<files>]  | Idem, without writing the  current buffer.
:args                   | Give the argument list, with  the current file
                        | between `[' and `]'.

Display Commands

^G                      | Give file name, status, current line number
                        |  and relative position.
^L                      | Refresh the screen (sometimes `^P' or `^R').
^R                      | Sometimes vi replaces a deleted line by a `@',
                        |  to be deleted by `^R' (see  option `redraw').
[*]^E                   | Expose <*> more lines at bottom, cursor
                        |  stays put (if possible).
[*]^Y                   | Expose <*> more lines at top, cursor
                        |  stays put (if possible).
[*]^D                   | Scroll <*> lines downward
                        |  (default the number of the previous scroll;
                        |  initialization: half a page).
[*]^U                   | Scroll <*> lines upward
                        |  (default the number of the previous scroll;
                        |  initialization: half a page).
[*]^F                   | <*> pages forward.
[*]^B                   | <*> pages backward (in older versions `^B' only
                        |  works without count).

If in the next commands the field <wi> is present, the
windowsize will change to <wi>. The window will always be
displayed at the bottom of the screen.

[*]z[wi]<cr>            | Put line <*> at the top of the window
                        |  (default the current line).
[*]z[wi]+               | Put line <*> at the top of the window
                        |  (default the first line of the next page).
[*]z[wi]-               | Put line <*> at the bottom  of  the window
                        |  (default the current line).
[*]z[wi].               | Put line <*> in the centre  of  the window
                        |  (default the current line).

Mapping and Abbreviation

When mapping take a look at the options `to' and `remap' (below).

:map <string> <seq>     | <string> is interpreted  as  <seq>, e.g.
                        |  `:map ^C :!cc %^V<cr>' to compile from
                        |  within vi (vi replaces `%' with the current
                        |  file name).
:map                    | Show all mappings.
:unmap <string>         | Deprive <string>  of  its  mapping.  When
                        |  vi complains about  non-mapped  macros
                        |  (whereas no typos have  been  made), first
                        |  do something like `:map  <string> Z',
                        |  followed by `:unmap <string>'
                        |  (`Z' must not be a  macro  itself), or
                        |  switch to `ex' mode first with `Q'.
:map! <string> <seq>    | Mapping in append mode, e.g.
                        |    `:map! 8 b 8gin^V<cr>end;^V<esc>O<ht>'.
                        |  When <string> is preceded by  `^V', no
                        |  mapping is done.
:map!                   | Show all append mode mappings.
:unmap! <string>        | Deprive <string> of its mapping (see `:unmap').
:ab <string> <seq>      | Whenever in append mode <string> is preceded
                        |  and followed by a breakpoint (e.g. <sp>
                        |  or `,'), it is interpreted as <seq>,
                        |  e.g.  `:ab p procedure'.
                        |  A `^V' immediately following <string> inhibits
                        |  expansion.
:ab                     | Show all abbreviations.
:unab <string>          | Do not consider <string> an  abbreviation
                        |  anymore (see `:unmap').
@<a-z>                  | Consider the contents of the  named register a
                        |  command, e.g.:
                        |       o0^D:s/wrong/good/<esc>"zdd
                        |  Explanation:
                        |       o              - open  a  new line
                        |       0^D            -  remove  indentation
                        |       :s/wrong/good/ -  this  input text is an
                        |                        `ex' substitute command
                        |       <esc>          -  finish  the input
                        |       "zdd           -  delete  the line just
                        |                        created into register `z'
                        |  Now you can type `@z' to substitute `wrong'
                        |  with `good' on the current line.
@@                      | Repeat last register command.

Switch and Shell Commands

Q | ^ | <intr><intr>    | Switch from vi to `ex'.
:                       | An `ex' command can be given.
:vi                     | Switch from `ex' to vi.
:sh                     | Execute a subshell, back to  vi  by `^D'.
:[x,y]!<cmd>            | Execute a shell <cmd> [on  lines  x through y;
                        |  these lines will serve as input for <cmd> and
                        |  will be replaced  by  its  standard output].
:[x,y]!! [<args>]       | Repeat last shell command [and  append <args>].
:[x,y]!<cmd> ! [<args>] | Use the previous command (the second `!') in a
                        | new command.
[*]!<move><cmd>         | The shell executes <cmd>,  with  as standard
                        |  input  the  lines   described   by <*><move>,
                        |  next the standard  output  replaces those lines
                        |  (think of  `cb',  `sort',  `nroff', etc.).
[*]!<move>!<args>       | Append <args> to the last <cmd> and execute it,
                        |  using the lines  described  by  the current
                        |  <*><move>.
[*]!!<cmd>              | Give <*> lines as standard input to the
                        |  shell <cmd>, next let the  standard output
                        | replace those lines.
[*]!!! [<args>]         | Use the previous <cmd> [and append
                        |  <args> to it].
:x,y w !<cmd>           | Let lines x to y be standard  input for <cmd>
                        |  (notice the <sp>  between  `w'  and `!').
:r!<cmd>                | Put the output of <cmd> onto a  new line.
:r <name>               | Read  the  file  <name>  into  the buffer.

vi Startup

vi [<files>]            | Edit the files, start with the first page of
                        |  the first file.

The editor can be initialized by the shell variable `EXINIT',
which looks like:

        <cmd>: set options
               map ...
               ab ...
        export EXINIT (in the Bourne shell)

However, the list of initializations can also be put into a
file. If this file is located in your home directory, and is
named `.exrc' AND the variable `EXINIT' is NOT set, the list
will be executed automatically at startup time. However, vi will
always execute the contents of a `.exrc' in the current
directory, if you own the file. Else you have to give the
execute command yourself:

        :source file
        :so file

On-line initializations can be given with `vi +<cmd> file',

vi +x file              | The cursor will immediately jump to line x
                        |  (default last line).
vi +/<string> file      | ~ to the first occurrence  of <string>.

You can start at a particular tag with:

vi -t <tag>             | Start in the right file in the right place.

Sometimes (e.g. if the system crashed while you were editing) it
is possible to recover files lost in the editor by `vi -r file'.
If you just want to view a file by using vi, and you want to
avoid any change, instead of vi you can use the `view' or `vi
-R' command: the option `readonly' will be set automatically
(with `:w!'  you can override this option).

The Most Important Options

ai                      | autoindent - In append mode after a <cr> the
                        |  cursor will move directly below the first
                        |  CHAR on the previous line.   However, if the
                        |  option `lisp' is  set,  the  cursor will align
                        |  at the first argument to  the  last open list.
aw                      | autowrite - Write  at  every  shell escape.
                        |  (useful when compiling from  within vi)
dir=<string>            | directory - The directory for vi to make
                        |  temporary files (default `/tmp').
eb                      | errorbells - Beeps when you goof
                        |  (not on every terminal).
ic                      | ignorecase - No distinction between upper and
                        |  lower cases when searching.
lisp                    | Redefine the following commands:
                        |  `(', `)'   -  move  backward  (forward) over
                        |              S-expressions
                        |  `{', `}'   - idem, but  don't  stop at atoms
                        |  `[[', `]]' - go to previous  (next) line
                        |              beginning with a `('
                        |  See option `ai'.
list                    | <lf> is shown as `$', <ht> as `^I'.
magic                   | If this option is set (default), the chars `.',
                        |  `[' and `*' have special meanings within
                        |  search and `ex' substitute  commands. To
                        |  deprive such a char of its special function
                        |  it must be preceded by a `'. If the option
                        |  is turned off it's just the other way around.
                        |  Meta-chars:
                        |  ^<string>    - <string> must  begin the line
                        |  <string>$    -  <string>  must  end the line
                        |  .            - matches any char
                        |  [a-z]        - matches any char  in the range
                        |  [<string>]   - matches any char  in <string>
                        |  [^<string>]  - matches any char not in <string>
                        |  <char>*      - 0 or more <char>s
                        |  <<string>> -  <string>  must  be  a word
nu                      | number - Numbers before the lines.
para=<string>           | paragraphs - Every pair of chars in <string>
                        |  is considered  a  paragraph  delimiter
                        |  nroff macro (for `{' and `}').  A <sp>
                        |  preceded by a `' indicates the previous char
                        |  is a single letter macro.  `:set para=P bp'
                        |  introduces `.P' and `.bp' as paragraph
                        |  delimiters. Empty lines and section
                        |  boundaries are paragraph boundaries too.
redraw                  | The screen remains up to date.
remap                   | If on (default), macros are repeatedly
                        |  expanded until they are unchanged.
                        |  Example: if `o' is mapped  to  `A', and `A'
                        |  is mapped to `I', then `o' will map to `I'
                        |  if `remap' is set, else it will map to `A'.
report=<*>              | Vi reports whenever e.g. a delete
                        |  or yank command affects <*> or more lines.
ro                      | readonly - The file is  not  to  be changed.
                        |  However, `:w!' will  override  this option.
sect=<string>           | sections - Gives the section delimiters
                        |  (for `[[' and `]]'); see option `para'.
                        |  A `{' beginning a line also starts a section
                        |  (as in C functions).
sh=<string>             | shell - The program to be used for shell
                        |  escapes (default `$SHELL'
                        |  (default `/bin/sh')).
sw=<*>                  | shiftwidth - Gives  the  shiftwidth (default 8
                        |  positions).
sm                      | showmatch - Whenever you append a `)', vi shows
                        |  its match if it's on the same page; also with
                        |  `{' and `}'. If there's no match, vi will beep.
terse                   | Short error messages.
to                      | timeout - If this option is set, append mode
                        |  mappings will be interpreted only if they're
                        |  typed fast enough.
ts=<*>                  | tabstop - The length of a <ht>; warning: this is
                        |  only IN the editor, outside of it <ht>s have
                        |  their normal length (default 8 positions).
wa                      | writeany - No checks when writing (dangerous).
warn                    | Warn you when you try to quit without writing.
wi=<*>                  | window  -  The default number of lines vi shows.
wm=<*>                  | wrapmargin - In append mode vi  automatically
                        |  puts a <lf>  whenever  there is a <sp> or <ht>
                        |  within <wm> columns from the  right margin.
ws                      | wrapscan - When searching, the  end is
                        |  considered `stuck' to the begin  of the file.
:set <option>           | Turn <option> on.
:set no<option>         | Turn <option> off.
:set <option>=<value>   | Set <option> to <value>.
:set                    | Show all non-default options and their values.
:set <option>?          | Show <option>'s value.
:set all                | Show all options and their values.

Contributors to this Reference

Maarten Litmaath <>
Rich Salz <>
Eamonn McManus <>
Diomidis Spinellis <>
Blair P. Houghton <>
Rusty Haddock <{uunet,att,rutgers}!!fe2o3!rusty>
Panos Tsirigotis <>
David J. MacKenzie <>
Kevin Carothers <>
Dan Mercer <mercer@ncrcce.StPaul.NCR.COM>

You can edit/redistribute this document freely, as long as
you don't make false claims on original authorship.