Bewick’s wren

33350 67362 PSM 15764 PSM15743 PSM15744 PSM15747 PSM15751 PSM15758 PSM15761 PSM15767


45. Burke Museum nest record cards=24 (class cards=4); egg sets=18; field notes=3.



King=22; Kitsap=1; Pacific=8; Pierce=8; Walla Walla=1; Whatcom=4; Yakima=1.

First-egg dates

Earliest 11 March (Julian day 70); latest 12 July (Julian day 193). First-egg dates span 123 days, with a median date of 25 April (Julian day 115). The long season and the right skew in the distribution suggest that second broods are common.

Clutch size

23 usable records. Mean 4.7 eggs. Distribution: 3 eggs (N=2), 4 eggs (N=6), 5 eggs (N=11), 6 eggs (N=4).

Season and clutch size

Clutch size did not change significantly with season.