Robert A. Norheim

6221 36th Avenue NE
Seattle, WA 98115
206 524-3589 (Home)
206 616-6865 (Office)


A position utilizing my GIS and remote sensing skills to manage natural resources in the Pacific Northwest.



University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

Master of Arts in Geography, August 1996. 3.89 GPA.
Concentration: Applications of GIS and Remote Sensing to Resource Management.

Thesis title: Is there an answer to mapping old growth? An examination of two projects conducted using GIS and remote sensing

GIS coursework: Cartography, Analytical Cartography, GIS Analysis, GIS Workshop, Urban GIS, Algorithms and Data Structures in GIS, Geographic Information Representation, Map Sources and Errors, Geographic Information and Analysis, GIS Forum, Introduction to Geological Remote Sensing, Seminar in Remote Sensing, Seminar in Remote Sensing and GIS.


Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts

B.S. magna cum laude in Economics and Computer Science, May 1984.
3.52 GPA, Deans' List 6 of 7 semesters.
Includes one semester at Queen Mary College, University of London, England.


University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

GIS Analyst, College of the Environment: 1997 - present.

Provide spatial analysis and cartography for a wide variety of research and outreach projects in climate change, fire ecology, and landscape dynamics. Create maps for research papers, field work, public outreach, presentations, proceedings, posters, proposals, reports, book chapters, theses and dissertations as requested by researchers and graduate students. Provide spatial analysis for modeling simulations and other research projects. Maps have accompanied more than 60 research papers in over 25 journals. Develop code to produce hundreds of maps for two websites. Develop code to extract climatological data from VIC database and summarize to raster layers. Researched accuracy of DEMs derived from LIDAR and INSAR. Tested interface and functionality of FEPS software. Wrote successful grant proposals to develop a Geospatial Metadata Clearinghouse Nodes on the Olympic Peninsula and for North Cascades National Park. Directed creation of biological and geospatial metadata for four clearinghouse nodes. Instrumental in establishment of three clearinghouse nodes. Directed study of vegetation and fuels of San Juan Island National Historical Park. Developed proposal and implemented the Pacific Northwest Information Node (PNWIN) of the National Biological Information Infrastructure. Developed ArcIMS application for PNWIN. Used Landsat imagery to determine extents of new clearcuts on Olympic Peninsula over 30 year period. Developed protocols for use of GPS in field research. Assist with field data collection. Provide support to campus GIS community.

University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

GIS Computer Lab and LAN Manager, Department of Geography: Fall 1994-Summer 1996.

System administration of faculty, staff, research, and teaching lab computers. Provided support and consulting for hardware, cartographic/GIS software, and peripherals. Hardware included Unix workstations, PCs, Macintoshes, and networking (100+ machines). Software included ARC/ INFO (PC and Unix), ArcView 2, Map II, Atlas Pro, SPSS, and Excel. Responsibilities included maintaining workstations, installing software, training users, aiding researchers, managing user accounts and backups, configuring peripherals, and managing database of geographic information for research and instructional use.

Mt. Rainier National Park, Longmire, Washington

GIS Analyst, Summer, 1993

Performed GIS analysis using ARC/INFO and AML programming for resource monitoring applications. Calculated major watersheds and lake watersheds for park using GRID. Determined elevation for lakes from DEM. Analyzed glacial recession over time. Mapped results of Northern Spotted Owl surveys. Discovered and corrected data quality problems in various park coverages. Designed maps for park reports and studies.

Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, Washington

Software Design Engineer in Test, Applications Tools, Languages: 1991-1993.

Tested Microsoft C/C++ for the Macintosh, a PC-based cross-compiler. Wrote C and C++ code to test the compiler, linker, debugger, and resource compiler. Wrote DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries) in C to test DLL support. Designed and executed automated tests using Microsoft Test. Hired and trained a new tester. Set responsibilities, schedules and priorities for the testing team, and managed the bug database.

Lotus Development Corporation, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Design Verification Engineer, Lotus Magellan: 1988-90.

Program Manager, OEM/Entry Level Software Group: 1990-1991.

Performed quality assurance on Lotus Magellan Versions 1.0 and 2.0. Responsible for testing one quarter of product functionality. Active contributor to product design decisions. Supervised contract employee. Checked product documentation for accuracy and usefulness. Worked with Development, Customer Support and Beta Test teams to assure integrity of product. Wrote technical documentation for Magellan Viewer Toolkit. Coordinated development, testing, and production of Magellan Bonus Viewer Disk 2.0 and slipstream upgrade of Magellan. Wrote C and assembler code for graphical desktop product for OEM customer.

Data Resources, Inc. (DRI / McGraw-Hill), Lexington, Massachusetts

Transportation Economist, Transportation and Logistics Service: 1984-88.

Product Manager, Transportation Costing Service: 1987-88.

Prepared economic forecasts, analysis and data for monthly publications and special reports for clients in the freight transportation industry. Developed software to facilitate and encourage access to data by timesharing clients. Rewrote mainframe-based transportation costing product as microcomputer service in xBase. Responded to customer requests for assistance regarding data, forecasts and products.


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Last updated March 9, 2011