Last Modified: 10/25/00
Computing & Communications Computer Training
Manual Clickable Image Maps with Frames

We will explain clickable image maps with frames with a specific example: a page with a left frame and a right frame. The left frame contains a GIF image which is divided into 3 regions: a left polygon, a right polygon, and a surrounding default region, such that when one region is clicked with the mouse an associated GIF image appears in the right frame. We need a total of 8 files for this specific example:

  1. A GIF image associated with the 1st region: leftp.gif
  2. A GIF image associated with the 2nd region: rightp.gif
  3. A GIF image associated with the 3rd region: defp.gif
  4. The GIF image in the left frame that contains the 3 regions: mymap.gif
  5. An HTML file that defines the Frameset: frame_map.html. The file not only defines the frames but gives them a name (MAP1 and MAP2) so that the HTML file that defines the regions can use the TARGET parameter to direct the 3 GIF images to the correct frame.
  6. An HTML file that defines the polygon regions in the map and targets where the 3 GIF image files will appear: frame_map1.html
  7. An HTML file which contains the inital information to appear in the right frame: frame_map2.html
  8. A home page HTML file index.html which must be modified to include the string
    <A HREF="frame_map.html">clickable map</A>
    (strictly speaking, we don't need the 8-th file since we could invoke "frame_map.html" directly from the browser, but in most cases it would be called from some other HTML file).
So, the only files you really need to construct are: frame_map.html, frame_map1.html, frame_map2.html. Only frame_map1.html is difficult to construct. These 3 files appear below:
<FRAMESET COLS = "50%,*">
  <FRAME SRC = "frame_map1.html" NAME = "MAP1">
  <FRAME SRC = "frame_map2.html" NAME = "MAP2">

<IMG SRC="Image/mymap.gif" USEMAP="#shapes">
<MAP NAME = "shapes">
      "32,36 32,188 93,188 65,136 133,124 82,36" TARGET=MAP2
      "93,188 245,188 244,36 82,36 133,124 65,136" TARGET=MAP2

<HTML><HEAD><TITLE> frame_map2.html 
<HR> <H1> This is the initial frame </H1>

Click here to see this example.

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