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2023-2025 World Wildlife Fund. Title: “Last Ice Area” ecosystem project (PI Laidre)


2020- 2025 NASA Interdisciplinary Sciences (IDS). Title: Fjord Systems, Marine Mammals, and Subsistence Hunting in East Greenland (PI Laidre)


2020-2022 World Wildlife Fund. Title: Understanding a future “Last Ice Area” ecosystem (PI Laidre)


2018-2019 NSF Navigating a New Arctic Track 2 Collaborative Research. Title: Impact of 21st century climate change on social-ecological systems at Greenland’s marine margins (PI Straneo, co-I Laidre)


2018-2021 NASA Cryosphere & Biodiversity programs. Title: Variability of Glaciers and Fjord Ice in Southeast Greenland with Application to Ice Sheet Dynamics and Resident Polar Bears (PI Laidre)


2017-2021 ONR research grant. Title: The ecological importance of glacial habitats to high Arctic odontocetes (PI Laidre)


2017-2020 PEW Marine Fellowship. Title: Polar bear conservation in the 21st century: Improving scientific data and increasing sociopolitical awareness (PI Laidre)


2017-2019 US Air Force/Army Corps of Engineers. Title: The Implications Associated with sea ice loss to polar bears and human safety at USAF sites in Northern Alaska (PI Laidre)


2016-2018 NASA ROSES. Title: Navigability Indicators for the Northwest Passage and the Northern Sea Route (PI Stern, co-I Laidre)


2015-2017 US National Science Foundation. Title: Copepod life history and lipid strategy in a changing Arctic — A new trait-based approach to data synthesis, modeling, and end-to-end integration (PI Kiester, co-I Laidre)


2014-2015 University of Washington Royalty Research Fund. Title: Modeling zooplankton life history to link climate to fish and mammal predators: A North Atlantic pilot (PI Banas, co-I Laidre)


2013-2015 NASA ROSES Climate Indicators program. Title: The Timing of Arctic Sea Ice Advance and Retreat as an Indicator of Ice-Dependent Marine Mammal Habitat (PI Stern, co-I Laidre)


2013-2015 US Geological Survey grant. Title: Onshore Spatial Ecology of Polar Bears in the Southern Beaufort Sea and Baffin Bay (PI Laidre, co-I Atwood)


2011-2014 ONR Research Grant. Title: Behavioral ecology of narwhals in a changing Arctic (PI Laidre)


2011-2014 NASA ROSES. Title: Climate change, sea ice loss, and polar bears in Greenland (PI Laidre)


2008-2010 NOPP Research Grant. Title: Climate Change and Baleen Whale Trophic Cascades in West Greenland (funded jointly by NSF Office of Polar Programs and Office of Naval Research) (PI Laidre)


2008-2009 NASA ROSES. Title: The Fractured Arctic Sea Ice Landscape and the Movements of Belugas and Narwhals (PI Laidre)


2006 NOAA Ocean Exploration Research Grant. Title: Winter oceanographic exploration of an offshore Arctic ecosystem – assisted by narwhals (PI Laidre)


2004-2006 U.S. National Science Foundation, Post-doctoral International Research Fellowship Program (IRFP) (PI Laidre)


2004 Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, Nuuk, Greenland, Research Contract


2004 Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada, Research Contract


2003 Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife, Research Contract


2002 Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada, Research Contract


2001 University of Washington, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, Research Assistantship


2001 North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission, Tromsø, Norway, Research Contract


2001 North Slope Borough, Barrow, Alaska, Research Contract


2000 NOAA, Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, Research Contract


2000 Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, Nuuk, Greenland, Research Contract


1999 NOAA, National Marine Mammal Laboratory, Research Contract


1998 NOAA, National Marine Mammal Laboratory, Research Contract