@Chem eMail Migration Tool

for migration to UW Google Mail

Old email account
Source server
Source username
Source password

New email account
Destination server
Destination username
Destination password Not your UW NetID password. explain

Copy only these folders folder1,folder2,...
Exclude these folders folder1,folder2,...
  • Folder names are case sensitive, e.g. "INBOX,Sent", not "inbox,sent"!
  • Separate folder names with commas but no space, e.g. "INBOX,Sent", not "INBOX, Sent"!
  • Do not enclose folder names in quotes!
  • This copy tool automatically remaps your folder named "Sent" on the chem server to the gmail folder named "Sent Mail"
After date DD-MMM-YYYY
Before Date DD-MMM-YYYY
Update Mode don't duplicate messages that already exist.
Configure Forwarding start redirecting email to my new account. explain
Clicking the LAUNCH button will launch the process of copying your mail folders from the source to the destination server.

If you are not sure you understand what you are doing, then please contact Richard Ketcham before you proceed beyond this point..
copy my @chem email to my new email home

Depending on the size of your account it could take anywhere from minutes to days to copy everything over.
Due to Google's policy of limiting uploads, your copy process may stall after a few gigabytes. You can come back to this page and restart your your copy, repeating until all of your mail has been copied over. (read more about)
You will receive a notification by e-mail when your copy process has run to completion.